MRU Balance

All MRU has a balance measurement, which can be seen in machines that consume MRU. 100% balanced MRU has a measurement of 0.0.

MRU with a measurement 0.0 - 0.5 is called Frozen, 0.5 - 1.5 is called Magic, and 1.5 - 2.0 is called Chaos.

The player's MRU Matrix that stores UBMRU has a measurement that can bee seen with a Soul Stone and can be change with an MRUMP. Some items require the player to have a specific balance, such as the Chaos Fork and Frozen Mace.

Since MRUCU are manifestations of MRU in the world, they also have a balance. 100% balanced MRUCU cannot harm anything or change blocks around them in the world. Unbalanced ones can harm the player and create corruption blocks.