MineFactory Reloaded

(Redirected from MFR)

MineFactory Reloaded
MineFactory Reloaded
Name MineFactory Reloaded
Creator Creator - PowerCrystals

Owner - skyboy026
Contributor - TeamCoFH

Latest Version 2.9.0B1-229
Minecraft Version 1.10.2
Forum Minecraft Forums
Curseforge Project site
Add-on Mods MiscMFRcircuits
Ranchable Fluid Cows
Root Mod CoFH Core
Modpacks Agrarian Skies
Ampz Pack
Bevo's Tech Pack
Blood N' Bones
Cloud 9 1.7 Pack
Crash Landing
Crundee Craft
DNS Techpack
Direwolf20 1.5 Pack
Direwolf20 1.6 Pack
Direwolf20 1.7 Pack
Feed The Beast 1.5.2 Beta Pack
Feed The Beast Infinity Evolved
Feed The Beast Infinity Evolved Skyblock
Feed The Beast Lite 2

MineFactory Reloaded is a mod created by PowerCrystals, which is currently being maintained by skyboy026. This mod adds numerous machines into the game as well as some new items, a new type of Rubber Tree, and the Precision Sledgehammer (a new type of tool for manipulating blocks similar to the Wrench and other miscellaneous things). All machines in this mod can be powered by MJ, EU, or RF. RF is by far the easiest and best way to power them. Support was added for RF in the mod version for MC 1.6.4. The equality is 1EU = 4RF = 0.4MJ

When looking at the interface for machines in this mod, there are three bars to the right. The first one, with the red lightning bolt, shows excess power contained in the machine. Maxing this out won't damage the machine. The second bar, with the green up arrow, shows the progress towards the machine's work. The third bar, with the blue ZZ symbol, is a sleep timer. If the machine is powered, but has nothing to do, it will sleep for a while to conserve server resources.

The mechanisms added by this mod have a very wide variety of uses, including many automations, such as ore generation or mob farms.