Wyvern Helm

Wyvern Helm
Wyvern Helm

Name Wyvern Helm
Source Mod Draconic Evolution
ID Name
Type Item
Stackable No
Energy 1,000,000 RF
Armor 3 (Armor.pngHalf Armor.png)

Wyvern Helm is an armor item added by the Draconic Evolution mod. It is an upgrade of the Diamond Helmet, which is charged with Redstone Flux energy. It has an internal buffer which will store up to 1,000,000 RF. The helm offers a greatly increased resistance to damage compared to its counterpart made out of Diamonds, as well as the ability to breathe when submerged in Water.

Tool & Armor Config GUI[edit]

This item has no configurable options.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Draconium Ingot
Wyvern Core
Draconium Ingot
Draconium Ingot
Diamond Helmet
Draconium Ingot
Draconium Ingot
Wyvern Energy Core
Draconium Ingot
Wyvern Helm

Feed The Beast Infinity Evolved Expert Mode[edit]

GUI Crafting Table.png
Wyvern Core
Diamond Ore (Minecraft)
Wyvern Core
Mana Dust
QuantumSuit Helmet
Mana Dust
Draconium Block
Wyvern Energy Core
Draconium Block
Wyvern Helm

Diamond Ore Diamond Ore can be substituted with Dark Diamond Ore Dark Diamond Ore.


Wyvern Helm can be used to create the following items:


Minecraft 1.7.10
  • The item was re-textured and modeled as a block.

See Also[edit]