Crafting Altar

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Crafting Altar
Crafting Altar

Crafting Altar

Name Crafting Altar
Source Mod Ars Magica 2
ID Name Unknown
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Unknown

The Crafting Altar is an item added by Ars Magica 2.

It is part of a multi-block structure that allows the Player to create spells.

In addition to the Crafting Altar, the materials required to build the structure are: 38 main blocks, 12 stairs, 6 Magic Wall, 5 cap blocks, 1 Lever and 1 Lectern.

The better the quality of the material of the main block and cap blocks, more spell component will be allowed (see table below). If the amount of spell component is above the max altar cap (13 at MAX) the spell crafting will explode in the prosses making the player lose all the items already throw.Instable spell show as red book on the lectern.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Vinteum Dust (Ars Magica 2)


Crafting Altar

Structure Materials

Cap Blocks
Name Effects
Glass Glass +1
Block of Coal Block of Coal +2
Block of Redstone Block of Redstone +3
Block of Iron Block of Iron +4
Lapis Lazuli Block Lapis Lazuli Block +5
Block of Gold Block of Gold +6
Block of Diamond Block of Diamond +7
Block of Emerald Block of Emerald +8
Moonstone Block Moonstone Block +9
Sunstone Block Sunstone Block +10
Main Blocks
Name Effects
Wood Planks Wood Planks +1
Stone Brick Stone Brick +1
Sandstone Sandstone +1
Bricks Bricks +2
Witchwood Planks Witchwood Planks +2
Nether Brick (Block) Nether Brick (Block) +3
Block of Quartz Block of Quartz +3

* Results based on the Arcane Compendium's Entry on Crafting Altars


  • First make a spell book in an Inscription Table (refer to Spell Creation)
  • put the book on the lectern and drop a blank rune on the altar
  • item will be displayed above the book, you'll need to throw then in the order they appear
  • if essence is needed,which type(neutral,pure,dark) will be said in the book you'll need to link the altar to a etherium source using Crystal Wrench and switch the lever on, when its done draining the essence the lever will switch back off.
  • the last component needed is always a Spell Parchment it will finish the crafting, throwing it before the end of the spell making will make a uncomplete spell which can't be used.
