Wrath Igniter

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Wrath Igniter
Wrath Igniter

Name Wrath Igniter
Source Mod Factorization
ID Name Unknown
Type Item
Stackable No

The Wrath Igniter is an item from Factorization.

The Wrath Igniter is similar to Flint and Steel, it creates a wrath fire[1] when right-clicking. Wrath fire is like normal fire, except more lethal and destructive. It will spread over ANY block except water, soil and some mod-added blocks, so it is highly recommended to use it in a safe zone surrounded by water. If not contained, the fire can spread as much as 90 square blocks centred at the ignition point, although it will only spread over the same type of block as it was lit on. The wrath fire also has transmuting abilities[2], in many cases it converts one block into another block.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Diamond Shard (Factorization)

Nether Brick (Item)

Wrath Igniter

Prior to MC 1.5

GUI Crafting Table.png
Diamond Shard (Factorization)

Nether Brick (Block)

Wrath Igniter

Wrath fire transformation[2]

Here is a list with known transformations:

After the wrath fire has passed, there is a chance of a normal fire being lit. It is trivial though, since the wrath fire has already burned all ignitable fuel sources.


Wrath Igniter can be used to create the following items:


  1. The wrath igniter is a dangerous piece of equipment and should be used with extreme caution especially when used on Grass, as a small mistake might lead to a major disaster.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Wrath fire not work after 0.8.06 mod version (1.6.4 MC) and the Wrath Igniter is no longer used to create Dark Iron. Dark iron is produced from Dark Iron Ore generated near bedrock.