Bag of Holding

Bag of Holding
Bag of Holding

Name Bag of Holding
Source Mod Factorization
ID Name Unknown
Type Item
Stackable No

The Bag of Holding can store parts of your inventory for you. The BoH moves the columns to the right of it into itself, and then replaces them with columns that were already inside it. When you first craft it, it will store only 3 columns.


Press ` (or GRAVE key located under the esc button) at any time to put your inventory into the BoH and pull other stuff out. You can add another column of storage to the BoH by crafting it with an Ender Pearl, a dark iron ingot, and a bit of leather as seen here.

GUI Crafting Table.png
Bag of Holding
Dark Iron Ingot (Factorization)

Ender Pearl

Bag of Holding

The best place to put your Bag of Holding depends on how many columns it stores. A new BoH should go in the 4th column from the right; this way the location of items won't change as you use `.

Specifically, you'll want to place the bag such that the number of inventory columns it stores is a multiple of the number of columns to its right.

REMEMBER: Don't upgrade your Bag of Holding while there are items in the bag. You will lose EVERYTHING!


GUI Crafting Table.png
Ender Pearl
Dark Iron Ingot (Factorization)
Dark Iron Ingot (Factorization)

Dark Iron Ingot (Factorization)

Bag of Holding