Scythe (Biomes O' Plenty)

This article is about Scythe from Biomes O' Plenty. You may be looking for Scythe from Tinkers' Construct.
Name Scythe
Source Mod Biomes O' Plenty
ID Name Unknown
Type Tool
Stackable No

The Scythe is a tool added by Biomes O' Plenty. It can be used as a quick way of clearing away large areas of crops, grass, flowers, leaves or saplings. It cannot be enchanted directly, but enchantments can be put on it using enchanted books and an anvil.

It comes in 7 different tiers, each one with more durability and a wider area of effect. The first tier, made with Mud, only has a 3x3 square of effect, while the 7th tier, Amethyst, has a 9x9x9 cube of effect. This is the same range for both crops and leaves in any tier above Stone. Grass within range of the scythe will get shorter but will not be destroyed completely unless it is Short Grass. Grass will change to Medium Grass and Medium Grass to Short Grass. Grasses within the scythe's range will still have a chance of dropping seeds as if they were broken normally. This makes it possible for one piece of grass to drop 3 seeds, making the scythe a good tool for collecting seeds at the beginning of the game. The grass block that the scythe is used on will always be completely destroyed, rather than getting shorter.

Using the scythe on a crop will also affect the surrounding grasses, flowers and saplings within range and vice versa. However, it will only affect leaves if used on a leaf block. Using it on a leaf block will destroy the leaf block instantly, as if the player were using shears. Stone scythes and all lower tiers will destroy single leaf blocks quickly but will not break any surrounding leaves. Leaf blocks destroyed with a scythe have the same chance of dropping saplings or other drops as they would when destroyed by hand.

The scythe is compatible with all the vanilla leaves and flowers as well as all the ones added by Biomes O' Plenty. The clearing range is also compatible with leaves, flowers and crops from most mods, but breaking the first block will not get the boost in speed and will instead act as if it were being broken by hand. Because of this, any scythe stone tier and below is useless on trees added by a different mod. The scythe's clearing abilities do not work in creative mode.


The durability of the scythe is based on how many objects are destroyed with each use. The number of blocks destroyed is equal to the amount of durability lost with each use. Adding an unbreaking enchantment using an enchanted book and an anvil will drastically increase the scythe's lifespan.

Like vanilla tools, the scythe has 7 tiers. The final tier will require amethyst and iron which means the player will have to enter the Promised Land before it is accessible.

This chart will show the differences between the tiers.

Tier Durability Area of effect Max blocks per use
Mud 33 3x3 9
Wood 60 3x3 9
Stone 132 3x3 9
Gold 33 5x5x5 125
Iron 251 5x5x5 125
Diamond 1562 7x7x7 343
Amethyst 2014 9x9x9 729


Note: All crafting recipes can be flipped horizontally.

GUI Crafting Table.png
Mud Ball
Mud Ball
Mud Ball

Mud Scythe
GUI Crafting Table.png
Wood Planks
Wood Planks
Wood Planks

Wooden Scythe

GUI Crafting Table.png

Stone Scythe
GUI Crafting Table.png
Gold Ingot
Gold Ingot
Gold Ingot

Gold Scythe

GUI Crafting Table.png
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot

Iron Scythe
GUI Crafting Table.png

Diamond Scythe

GUI Crafting Table.png
Amethyst (Biomes O' Plenty)
Amethyst (Biomes O' Plenty)
Amethyst (Biomes O' Plenty)
Iron Ingot

Iron Ingot
Amethyst Scythe

See Also