Block of Ruby (Biomes O' Plenty)

Block of Ruby
Block Block of Ruby (Biomes O' Plenty).png

Block of Ruby

Name Block of Ruby
Source Mod Biomes O' Plenty
ID Name Unknown
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Unknown

The Block of Ruby is a block added by Biomes O' Plenty. It is crafted from 9 Ruby. This block has no uses outside of decoration and storage. The Block of Ruby cannot be used to construct a Beacon base.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Ruby (Biomes O' Plenty)
Ruby (Biomes O' Plenty)
Ruby (Biomes O' Plenty)
Ruby (Biomes O' Plenty)
Ruby (Biomes O' Plenty)
Ruby (Biomes O' Plenty)
Ruby (Biomes O' Plenty)
Ruby (Biomes O' Plenty)
Ruby (Biomes O' Plenty)
Block of Ruby (Biomes O' Plenty)


Block of Ruby (Biomes O' Plenty) can be used to create the following items: