Power Fist

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This article is about the Power Fist from Flaxbeard's Steam Power mod. You may be looking for the Modular Powersuits Power Fist.

Power Fist
Power Fist

Name Power Fist
Source Mod Professor Flaxbeard's Wondrous Steam Power Mod
ID Name Unknown
First Appearance MC 1.7.2
Type Exosuit Upgrade
Stackable No
Steam Consumption 5 SU on use

The Power Fist is an Exosuit upgrade placed in the hand slot of the Exosuit Chestpiece. When a player punches a monster with an empty hand, the Power Fist will consumer 5 SU, sending the enemy flying and pushing the player slightly backwards.

Esteemed Innovation Entry[edit]

This chestpiece upgrade is one of my more fun inventions. It makes my punches pack a real... punch.

Any time I punch an enemy with a bare fist they'll go flying, at the cost of some steam.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Iron Ingot
Brass Nugget (Flaxbeard's Steam Power)‎
Iron Ingot
Brass Piston
Brass Nugget (Flaxbeard's Steam Power)‎
Iron Ingot
Brass Nugget (Flaxbeard's Steam Power)‎
Power Fist
GUI Crafting Table.png
Iron Plate (Flaxbeard's Steam Power)‎
Brass Nugget (Flaxbeard's Steam Power)‎
Iron Plate (Flaxbeard's Steam Power)‎
Brass Piston
Brass Nugget (Flaxbeard's Steam Power)‎
Iron Plate (Flaxbeard's Steam Power)‎
Brass Nugget (Flaxbeard's Steam Power)‎
Power Fist