Feed The Beast Modpacks
(Redirected from Modpack)
Feed The Beast offers a number of different modpacks, all of which are available via the Feed The Beast Launcher. Each modpack contains a different selection of mods, and a modpack's contents may vary over time. It is also possible to customize the contents of the modpack you use in the Launcher.
Note: These lists only contains public modpacks that are visible by default in the launcher. For a list of private modpacks and their codes, see Private Packs.
Minecraft 1.15.2
- For a comparison of these packs, see Feed The Beast 1.15.2 Modpacks.
Minecraft 1.12
- For a comparison of these packs, see Feed The Beast 1.12 Modpacks.
- Feed The Beast Builders Paradise
- Feed The Beast Continuum
- Direwolf20 1.12 Pack
- Feed The Beast Egg Hunt
- Feed The Beast Horizons III
- Feed The Beast Interactions
- Feed The Beast Pyramid Reborn
- Feed The Beast Revelation
- Feed The Beast Sky Adventures
- Feed The Beast Sky Odyssey
- Feed The Beast Stoneblock 2
- Feed The Beast Ultimate Reloaded
- Feed The Beast Unstable 1.12
Minecraft 1.10
- For a comparison of these packs, see Feed The Beast 1.10 Modpacks.
- Direwolf20 1.10
- Feed The Beast Beyond
- Feed The Beast Infinity Lite 1.10
- Feed The Beast Unstable
- HermitPack
- Skyfactory 3
- SkyFactory Challenges
Minecraft 1.7
- For a comparison of these packs, see Feed The Beast 1.7 Modpacks.
- Cloud 9 1.7 Pack
- Crackpack
- Direwolf20 1.7 Pack
- Feed The Beast Departed
- Feed The Beast Horizons: Daybreaker
- Feed The Beast Infinity Evolved
- Feed The Beast Infinity Evolved Skyblock
- Feed The Beast Inventions
- Feed The Beast Lite 3
- Feed The Beast Mage Quest
- Feed The Beast Resurrection
- Sky Factory 2
- Feed The Beast Trident
- Feed The Beast Unstable
- Feed The Beast Vanilla+
- Mod of the Month: Botania
Minecraft 1.6
- For a comparison of these packs, see Feed The Beast 1.6 Modpacks.
- Agrarian Skies
- Blood N' Bones
- Crash Landing
- Direwolf20 1.6 Pack
- Feed The Beast Horizons
- Feed The Beast Lite 2
- Magic Farm 2
- Magic World 2
- Material Energy^3
- Feed The Beast Monster
- Running Red
- Tech World 2
- Test Pack Please Ignore
- VoxelModPack
- Infamy
- Lapito's Galacticraft Pack
Minecraft 1.5
- For a comparison of these packs, see Feed The Beast 1.5 Modpacks.
- Feed The Beast Unleashed
- Direwolf20 1.5 Pack
- Feed The Beast Unhinged
- New World Mod Pack
- Ampz Pack
- VoxelModPack
- Magic Farm
- BronyModPack
Minecraft 1.4
- For a comparison of these packs, see Feed The Beast 1.4 Modpacks.
- Feed The Beast Ultimate Pack
- Direwolf20 Pack
- MindCrack Pack
- YogCraft Pack
- RPG Immersion Pack
- Feed The Beast Lite
- Magic World
- Tech World
- PAX Challenge Pack
- Slow's Stream Pack
- Feed The Beast Beta Pack A