ME Controller (Applied Energistics)

ME Controller
ME Controller

ME Controller

Name ME Controller
Source Mod Applied Energistics
ID Name Unknown
Type Machine
Stackable Unknown
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Wooden Pickaxe

The ME Controller is the core machine required for any Applied Energistics network. It accepts energy in from most sources, such as EU and MJ and provides it to the machines connected to it.

The current power level is indicated by a coloured bar on the front of the block

When taken by itself, the ME Controller does nothing

A network can never have more than one ME Controller at a time

To receive power all ME machines need to be connected to the ME Controller, be it through any another machine or connected using ME Cable. They are then considered part of the ME Network.

The ME Controller requires a constant input of 6 ae/tick to function, when other machines are connected to the ME Controller, its energy consumption will increase accordingly

The ME Controller has an internal storage of 10,000 ae = 5,000 EU = 2,000 MJ. (1 EU = 2 ae Units, 1 MJ= 5 ae Units)


ME Controller GUI showing status and Network.

The GUI can be accessed by right-clicking the ME Controller

It shows the current energy usage and displays all machines which are currently connected to the ME Controller network. The ME Controller is considered 'online' when it has enough power to run

The Power Units tab on the left allows to change the power units displayed

The inventory slot on the right allows the player to attune an ME Wireless Access Terminal to the ME Controller


Since 1.5.2[edit]

GUI Crafting Table.png
Iron Ingot
Fluix Crystal
Iron Ingot
Fluix Crystal
ME Advanced Processor
Fluix Crystal
Iron Ingot
Fluix Crystal
Iron Ingot
ME Controller (Applied Energistics)

Before 1.5.2[edit]

GUI Crafting Table.png
Iron Ingot
Certus Quartz (Applied Energistics)
Iron Ingot
Certus Quartz (Applied Energistics)
ME Advanced Processor
Certus Quartz (Applied Energistics)
Iron Ingot
Certus Quartz (Applied Energistics)
Iron Ingot
ME Controller (Applied Energistics)