Hexi's Dark Depths

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Hexi's Dark Depths
Name Hexi's Dark Depths
Creator Hexicube
Launcher Feed The Beast Launcher
Latest Version 0.3
Minecraft Version 1.7.10
Private Pack Code HexiDarkDepths

Hexi's Dark Depths is an unlisted public modpack designed to be hard from the get-go; featuring a small walled-off starting area in the Deep Dark, minimal starting supplies, and forced usage of Tinker's Construct for tools. Additionally, early-game ores (Coal Ore, Iron Ore, Copper Ore, Tin Ore, and Aluminum Ore) all spawn on the cave surface instead of underground, making strip-mining ineffective for these ores and forcing the player to fight mobs to acquire these ores.

Currently the modpack is in an unfinished state; progression is only tested up to the point where the player obtains steel.


Name Version Notes
Alternate Terrain Generation 0.12.0 Needs to be manually selected on single-player worlds.
Automagy 0.27.1
Carpenter's Blocks 3.3.7
Chisel 2
DaVincing 1.8
Extra Utilities 1.2.5 Modified to fix cave generation.
ExtraTiC 1.4.5
FastLeafDecay 1.4
Hardcore Darkness 1.7
HexiDarkDepths 0.3 Custom mod built for the pack.
Iguana Tweaks 2.1.5 Tools start without modifiers and additional modifiers cannot be added, but they also go to level 10 and get 5 modifiers along the way.
Iron Chests
MineFactory Reloaded 2.8.0-104
MineTweaker 3.0.10B Changes are listed below.
Not Enough Items
Open Modular Turrets 2.1.8-199
Perfect Spawn 1.1
Project Red 4.7.0pre10.93 All add-ons included.
RFTools 2.4.1
Steve's Carts 2 2.0.0.b18
Thaumcraft 4
Thaumic Exploration 1.1-53
The Spice of Life 1.3.0 Currently disabled via config settings, will be enabled once Pam's HarvestCraft is added.
Tinker's Construct 1.8.5 Most non-tinkers tools are disabled. One notable exception is Thaumcraft 4 tools created by the Infusion Altar, as they have secondary effects.
WAILA 1.5.10

MineTweaker Changes

Metallic ores can no longer be smelted to create ingots, and must instead be put in a Smeltery or QED.

Clay can be obtained by combining Limestone and water (bottled water consumes the bottle).

GUI Crafting Table.png
Water (Minecraft)
Limestone (Chisel)
Limestone (Chisel)
Limestone (Chisel)
Limestone (Chisel)
Limestone (Chisel)
Limestone (Chisel)
Limestone (Chisel)
Limestone (Chisel)

Flint and Steel requires a Steel Ingot to craft, instead of an Iron Ingot. The recipe is also shapeless.

GUI Crafting Table.png
Steel Ingot (Railcraft)

Flint and Steel

Blast Furnace Bricks now have two recipes; one for creating the first Blast Furnace, the other for creating more at a lower cost:

GUI Crafting Table.png
Steel Ingot (Railcraft)

Steel Ingot (Railcraft)
Bronze Ingot (IndustrialCraft 2)
Steel Ingot (Railcraft)

Steel Ingot (Railcraft)

Blast Furnace Brick

GUI Crafting Table.png
Bronze Ingot (IndustrialCraft 2)

Bronze Ingot (IndustrialCraft 2)
Iron Ingot
Bronze Ingot (IndustrialCraft 2)

Bronze Ingot (IndustrialCraft 2)

Blast Furnace Brick

Notable Config Changes