Golem's Workbench

Golem's Workbench
Block Golem's Workbench.png

Name Golem's Workbench
Source Mod Automagy 1
ID Name
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Blast Resistance 12.5
Hardness 2.5
Burn Time 300 ticks (1.5 Items)
Solid Yes
Transparent Yes
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Any tool will work, but an axe is the most efficient.

Golem's Workbench is a block added by the Automagy 1 mod. It is a machine that allows Golems to craft items and place them in other containers. The golem can be instructed to work with this machine when it is equipped with Golem Animation Core (Empty) and this machine is set as the container to empty and any other container is set as the one to fill. Unless the golem instructed to work with this machine is advanced, the golem can only perform recipes in a 2x2 crafting grid or the recipes which consist of 9 ingredients, none of which are different.

When the golem is working with this machine for enough time, it will begin to slow down. Placing a Warded Jar with
Essentia will remove this debuff. Essentia will be then slowly consumed from the jar.

Placing a Golem Fetter under this machine and activating it will prevent golems from working with it, this will not stop the golems though.

A golem equipped with Golem Upgrade: Order will collect the recipe subproducts (f.e. Buckets from Cake recipe) and will attempt to place them back into the inventory of the machine instead of simply throwing them to the ground. A golem equipped with Golem Upgrade: Entropy will ignore Metadata, NBT-data and use Forge Dictionary when operating with a freshly crafted item.

Thaumcraft 4 Research Notes[edit]

Golem's Workbench
Some assembly required?

Research aspects in this block[edit]


Thaumonomicon Entry[edit]

"The golem's workbench allows you to lay out a pattern and crafting instructions with enough magical aid that even a golem could follow them.

Still, many recipes are too complicated for the typical golem, so the recipe must fit in a 2x2 grid or all of its components must be the same. (Perhaps more advanced golems won't be so limited.)

Once the recipe is specified using the first nine slots, provide the materials to be used in the bottom slots. Then, place a golem with the Empty golem animation core so it is attached to the workbench and instruct the golem to only take the item you want it to craft. Use the golemancer's bell to tell the golem where to place the new items.

Note that only recipes that can be completed on a standard crafting table will work here. Your golems are unable to grasp the thaumic fundamentals needed to wield vis. Something tells you this may be for the best.

To keep the golem on task and as efficient as possible, a jar of Fabrico essentia can be kept nearby. This is optional and is primarily beneficial when crafting will be fairly constant as your golems may become a bit "lethargic" after prolonged time spent crafting. Slackers.

Additional pages may appear here as you unlock golem upgrades.

Order Upgrade Unlocked:
When items are left over from crafting which are neither the recipe's goal nor an ingredient (for instance, empty buckets after making cake), they are normally thrown into the air by the crafting golem. If the golem is fitted with this upgrade, it will instead place the items into the workbench if space permits.

Entropy Upgrade Unlocked:
If the attached golem has an entropy upgrade installed, then (if so instructed) it may ignore ignore items' damage levels, ignore NBT data, or check the ore dictionary to determine what it should attempt to craft. (This is based on whether the golem is allowed to move the item.)

This only affects the crafting product, not the ingredients the golem will consider. Perhaps more research could help on that end.

Advanced Golems:
As you had hoped, advanced golems are capable of following more complex recipes. The full 3x3 grid can be utilized even if more than one type of ingredient is involved.

Golem Fetter:
If a golem fetter is placed directly beneath the workbench, then, when it is active, golems will not craft anything from the workbench. They are not necessarily brought to a complete halt (provided they don't pass over the fetter themselves), however, which means they may continue to empty specified items from the workbench.

This could be useful when managing multiple golems or when a golem refuses to consistently stand in one spot."


GUI TC4 Infusion.png
Infusion Altar
Runic Whitelist
Golem's Workbench
Crafting Table


Golem's Workbench has no known uses in crafting.