Evolved Creeper Boss

Evolved Creeper Boss
Evolved Creeper Boss.png
Name Evolved Creeper Boss
Health 200 Heart.pngHeart.pngHeart.pngHeart.pngHeart.pngHeart.pngHeart.pngHeart.pngHeart.pngHeart.png
Spawn In Polongnius/Pluto dungeon
Drops Tier 2 Dungeon Key
Source Mod Galacticraft

A mob added by the mod Galacticraft. It's found in the dungeon on Mars.

Dungeon entrance on Mars. The dungeon entrance looks the same on every planet.
The Evolved Creeper Boss in the dungeon on Mars.

Boss Fight

The Boss attacks by spitting TNT blocks at the player; While not as dangerous as placed TNT, one must be careful should it destroy one of the Ceeper Eggs found around the room. Should one be broken, a Evolved Creeper will give chase.

The boss, however, cannot be defeated directly and thus its shots must be deflected in a similar manner against a Ghast for which it will get damaged by its own deflected shots, losing its heads in the process thus making it weaker.

Should it lose both its heads, it adopts some sort of armor to boost its defense.

Once defeated, it will drop the key for the treasure chest where the victor may find the Tier 3 Rocket Schematic. If not, another can be fought in another dungeon elsewhere.


With Tinkers' Construct