Evolved Skeleton Boss

Evolved Skeleton Boss
Evolved Skeleton Boss.png
Name Evolved Skeleton Boss
Health 150 Heart.pngHeart.pngHeart.pngHeart.pngHeart.pngHeart.pngHeart.pngHeart.pngHeart.pngHeart.png
Spawn Moon dungeon
Drops Tier 1 Dungeon Key
Source Mod Galacticraft

A mob added by the mod Galacticraft. It's found in the dungeon on Moon.

Dungeon entrance on the Moon. The dungeon entrance looks the same on every planet.
The Evolved Skeleton Boss in the Moon dungeon.


Entering the second-to-last room spawns the boss and it'll attack immediately, firing upon players while trying to close the distance.

When it does get close, the boss can pick players up and throw them across the room in a bid to cause fall damage or worse, into one of the lava pillars located at the corners of the room. Keeping at a safe distance is an ideal strategy.

Once the boss is defeated, it will drop the corrosponding key for which the victor may pick up the Tier 2 Rocket Schematic. If not, another can be fought for it, in another dungeon elsewhere.


With Tinkers' Construct