Block of Thauminite

Block of Thauminite
Block of Thauminite

Name Block of Thauminite
Source Mod Thaumic Bases 1
ID Name
OreDict Name
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Blast Resistance 10.0
Hardness 2.0
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Wooden Pickaxe

Block of Thauminite is a block added by the Thaumic Bases 1 mod. It functions for decoration, as Infusion stabilizer and as a storage block of Thauminite Ingots.

Thaumcraft 4 Research Notes

Better metallurgy

Thaumonomicon Entry

"A thaumaturge always searches for a better alternative to his materials. You have been playing around with Thaumium metal for a while now... Maybe it's time to move onwards. Maybe it's time to improve. Thaumium can be processed further with addition of more aspects and some Vitreus. However, the processing of thaumium is too inefficient and leads to some thaumium destruction - and you do not see a way to overcome this problem. The result is a new metal, better than thaumium. It is almost as hard as diamonds and has much better enchantability than thaumium. It is also more magical, and can be used in some advanced things thaumium can't be used in..."


GUI Crafting Table.png
Thauminite Ingot
Thauminite Ingot
Thauminite Ingot
Thauminite Ingot
Thauminite Ingot
Thauminite Ingot
Thauminite Ingot
Thauminite Ingot
Thauminite Ingot
Block of Thauminite


Block of Thauminite can be used to create the following items: