Node Manipulator Focus: Hunger
Node Manipulator Focus: Hunger | |
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Name | Node Manipulator Focus: Hunger |
Source Mod | Thaumic Bases 1 |
ID Name | thaumicbases:nodeFoci:3
Type | Item |
Stackable | No |
Node Manipulator Focus: Hunger is an item added by the Thaumic Bases 1 mod. When this focus is applied to normal Aura Node, it will slowly turn it into Hungry Aura Node during the process of Node Manipulation.
Thaumcraft 4 Research Notes
Manipulator Foci: Hunger
It is pretty obvious what this foci does
Research aspects in this item
Thaumonomicon Entry
"Hunger foci will make the Manipulator slowly turn the node into a Hungry Node. Will only work with Normal nodes. Note, that the manipulator can freely be eaten by the hunger node, if it chooses to do so. Takes 5 minutes to finish. Authors are in no way responsible for the possible damage done to you, your house, your world, other worlds, your pets, animals, monsters, nodes and items. By crafting the foci you agree to being fully responsible to anything, that may happen with the foci, manipulator, node and everything surrounding the node."
Node Manipulator Focus: Hunger has no known uses in crafting.