HV Solar Panel

HV Solar Panel
HV Solar Panel

Name HV Solar Panel
Source Mod GregTech 4
ID Name
OreDict Name
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)

HV Solar Panel is an item added by GregTech 4. It is used in some recipes and also as a cover.

The solar panel in GregTech acts like an upgrade t machine blocks by allowing them to receive power directly from the sun at the speed of 512 EU/t. It generates 64 EU/t when not in sunlight. Note that it won't work if machine it's installed on can't accept 512 EU/t.

HV Solar Panel will disappear if block it is installed on is destroyed so usage of Crowbar is required.


GUI Crafting Table.png
MV Solar Panel
MV Solar Panel
MV Solar Panel
MV Solar Panel
HV-Transformer Upgrade
MV Solar Panel
MV Solar Panel
MV Solar Panel
MV Solar Panel
HV Solar Panel

Note: this item isn't craftable by default and its recipe must be enabled in DynamicConfig.cfg.


HV Solar Panel has no known uses in crafting.

See also