Electric Filter

Electric Filter
Electric Filter

Name Electric Filter
Source Mod GregTech 4
ID Name
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Blast Resistance 30.0
Hardness 10.0
Solid Yes
Transparent Yes
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Drops Machine Parts Machine Parts (1)
Required Tool Wrench

Electric Filter is a block added by the GregTech 4 mod. It can store up to 9 "fake" items. When items are incoming (with Item Pipes, Hoppers, Conveyor Modules etc) it will only accept the items equal to one of the filters.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Iron Plate (GregTech 4)
Iron Plate (GregTech 4)
Iron Plate (GregTech 4)
Iron Plate (GregTech 4)
Iron Plate (GregTech 4)
Iron Plate (GregTech 4)
Electric Sorter
Electronic Circuit
Electronic Circuit
Large Electric Buffer
Iron Plate (GregTech 4)
Iron Plate (GregTech 4)
Iron Plate (GregTech 4)
Iron Plate (GregTech 4)
Iron Plate (GregTech 4)
Iron Plate (GregTech 4)
Electric Filter

GUI Crafting Table.png
Aluminium Plate (GregTech 4)
Aluminium Plate (GregTech 4)
Aluminium Plate (GregTech 4)
Aluminium Plate (GregTech 4)
Aluminium Plate (GregTech 4)
Aluminium Plate (GregTech 4)
Electric Sorter
Electronic Circuit
Electronic Circuit
Large Electric Buffer
Aluminium Plate (GregTech 4)
Aluminium Plate (GregTech 4)
Aluminium Plate (GregTech 4)
Aluminium Plate (GregTech 4)
Aluminium Plate (GregTech 4)
Aluminium Plate (GregTech 4)
Electric Filter

Electronic Circuit Electronic Circuit can be substituted with Integrated Circuit (GregTech 4) Integrated Circuit (GregTech 4).


Electric Filter can be used to create the following items: