Bloodwood Kama

Bloodwood Kama
Bloodwood Kama

Name Bloodwood Kama
Source Mod Natura
ID Name Unknown
Type Tool
Stackable No

The Bloodwood Kama is a tool added by the Natura Mod. It is crafted from Bloodwood planks and sticks, which can only be acquired from the Nether.

Dubbed the "Great Harvester of Leaves", the Kama is a scythe like tool capable of instantly breaking Leaves and dropping the raw block like Shears. This can be of great use to rapidly clear foliage, gather conventional leaves for use in hedges or to be turned into IndustrialCraft2 Plantballs, or to collect Silverwood Tree leaves to use for their magical qualities in Thaumcraft.

The Bloodwood Kama can also be used as a weapon, as it is capable of blocking like a sword and deals at least 5 points (2.5 hearts) of damage.

The Bloodwood Kama is believed to have a durability of 1501.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Bloodwood Planks
Bloodwood Planks



Bloodwood Kama