Oil sands

Oil sands
Oil sands

Name Oil sands
Source Mod TrainCraft
ID Name
OreDict Name
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Blast Resistance 15
Hardness 3
Burn Time 2400 ticks (12 Items)
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Stone Pickaxe

Oil sands, along with Crude oil, can be used to create diesel which certain TrainCraft locomotives need to run. These ores can be found between layers 25 and 75, and spawns only instead Sand blocks. The ores are set to spawn with the default setting, but if one wants to prevent them from spawning, the option B:ENABLE_FUEL_ORES_SPAWN in the "Traincraft.cfg" file in the "config" has to be set to false.

Other than its conversion to diesel, it can also be used as a furnace fuel.

Conversion to BuildCraft Oil

If Traincraft is installed, Petroleum Generator will enable in IndustrialCraft2 based processing chain to convert the Oil Sands (oily sands) and Crude Oil (oily ore) from Traincraft into Petroleum Generator compatible BC oil.

The conversion rate is 10x sands, plus work, giving one bucket of oil.

  • Step 1 (Macerator): Macerate 2 oil sands into Bituminous Sludge
  • Step 2: Craft 5x Bituminous Sludge and 1x Empty Bucket to get 1x Bituminous Sludge Bucket (shapeless recipe, non-reversible)
  • Step 3 (Extractor): Extract 1x Bituminous Sludge Bucket into 1x Oil Bucket.

Alternatively, a GregTech 4 Industrial Centrifuge can be used to extract oil from oil sands with much better efficiency. Two oil sands in the main input and one cell will produce one oil cell. Currently only in Mindcrack v8.0.1 and TechWorld v1 can oil sands be extracted as such. It is unknown whether crude oil blocks may also be processed in this manner in the future.

Note that there is a bug in which Oil sands with metadata (visible as having item id 247:247) will refuse to be centrifuged.


Oil sands can be used to create the following items: