Warpwood Staff Core
Warpwood Staff Core | |
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Name | Warpwood Staff Core |
Source Mod | Tainted Magic |
ID Name | TaintedMagic:ItemWandRod:1
Type | Item |
Stackable | Yes (64) |
Warpwood Staff Core is an item added by the Tainted Magic mod. Staves made from this staff core can hold up to 500 Vis of all types, also this wands will recharge themselves depending on the player's current Warp level. While the player has Warp Ward buff on, the recharging properties of such staves will be negated.
Thaumcraft 4 Research Notes
Warpwood Staff Core
It's not quite clear why...
Research aspects in this item
Thaumonomicon Entry
"After having become quite familiar with your Warpwood Wand, you pondered how you could fortify the wand as a staff.
Unlike most staves, simply adding a primal charm was not enough. The answer lied once more...with the Primordial Pearl.
The same vis-generating traits seem to apply as well, and on top everything, this staff core offers enough space to store 500 primal vis."
Warpwood Staff Core has no known uses in crafting.