Thaumic Disassembler
Thaumic Disassembler | |
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Name | Thaumic Disassembler |
Source Mod | Tainted Magic |
ID Name | TaintedMagic:ItemThaumicDisassembler
Type | Item |
Stackable | No |
Thaumic Disassembler is an item added by the Tainted Magic mod. It is a multitool which has 4 modes: Off, Slow, Norma and Fast. In Off mode it will not break blocks. In Normal mode it will break blocks like Diamond Tools enchanted with Efficiency V. In Slow mode it will break blocks like unenchanted Diamond Tools and in Fast mode it will break most blocks instantly, even Obsidian takes 5 ticks to mine, allowing the user to mine several blocks per second. Modes can be changed by shift+right-clicking the tool. It deals 21 attack damage.
The tool will repair itself for 2 durability points per second when the player has any wand withContents
Thaumcraft 4 Research Notes
Thaumic Disassembler
Research aspects in this item
Thaumonomicon Entry
"It was rumored that in the world of modern technology, a tool exists called the Atomic Disassembler.
This tool is said to be perfect - you can break any block with impeccable precision. All it costs is a little bit of energy.
You became jealous hearing about these technological advancements and honestly, you considered delving into the world of technology.
But, you are a Thaumaturge. You will NOT dabble in technology. You must create a tool that is an equal to the Atomic Disassembler using the power of Thaumaturgy.
The Thaumic Disassembler is just that, you can break any block with precision and speed.
Shift+Right-click to change how fast you break through blocks.
Due to the Thaumium in the alloy, the repairing proprieties of Void Metal did not apply. To compensate, a small amount of Perditio Vis is required to keep this tool charged."
Thaumic Disassembler has no known uses in crafting.
This tool is a copy of Atomic Disassembler from Mekanism mod.