Tutorial:Getting Started (Thaumcraft 4)
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Welcome to Thaumcraft 4: Getting Started. This page is currently up to date with version Some of the links off this page may in fact be out of date, however, the information presented here specifically will be current.
Bare Bones: What do I need to use this mod
Thaumcraft is designed so that it may be played alone with Vanilla Minecraft with no issues. That being said, this guide will center upon the idea that the previous statement is true and that TC is the only mod installed and will not reference any of its own mods or other mods that may help in smoothing over some of the processes covered.
To start, Thaumcraft will require you to have some sort of workable housing or base, gathered resources of Iron, Coal, Gold, etc., and just your basic working knowledge of how to play Minecraft. During the course of play, a larger work area and farms will become needed.
My First Wand
The true start to using TC comes when you craft your very first Wand. Wands will be present throughout the entirety of the mod and mostly operate on the same principles of usage and crafting. All wands require two elements; Caps and Cores. In general, 2 (two) caps are required for a wand. Caps provide either a penalty to crafting costs or a discount depending on the material used in their creation. Cores determine how much mystical primal elements, or Vis, can be be stored in a wand. Again, the better materials used, the more Vis that can be held.
Your first wand will always be an Iron-Capped Wooden wand.
To start, you will need 2 Iron Caps.
Next, grab a stick and place it on the crafting table with the caps:
You are now the proud owner of the most basic of basic wands!
The Thauminomicon, Arcane Workbench, Research Table, Nodes, Crucible and Vis
The next few things we need to over are core elements to TC. The Thauminomicon will most certainly be in your inventory at all times as a reference. It lists all the recipes you research and discover, gives you (more or less) the instructions on how to use those items, and gives you a means of organizing your research. Take the time to become familiar with it as new items open up, and definitely read the entries that are present when you first create it as they can answer many questions about TC basics.
To craft one, simply place a vanilla MC Bookshelf into the world. Take your wand and right-click the Bookshelf, which will then drop a Thauminomicon. Place it on your hotbar, and use it to open it. Along the left-hand side you will notice different tabs, one for each branch of research you currently have unlocked. In total there are 5 different tabs; the Basics tab, the Thaumaturgy tab, the Artifice tab, the Golem tab and the end content Eldritch tab. Each of these will open up as you finish more research (more on that later).
Your next item should be the Research Table, along with a set of Scribing Tools. Much like the Thauminomicon, the Research Table is made by transforming placed blocks into other items.
First, you're going to need some Wood planks and Wood Slabs. These can be mixed and matched in typing (i.e. the recipe will still work if you use any type of Wood Plank in conjunction with another type). With these, you're going to need to craft 3 (three) TC Tables.
Place two tables side-by-side and then right-click one of them with a set of Scribing Tools. This will convert the tables into a multi-block entity; the Research Table. In order to use it, you will also need a supply of Paper, Ink Sacs, and at least one set of Scribing Tools.
By right-clicking on the Research Table, it will open the interface for the table. Place the Scribing Tools into the slot in the top left corner of the table and you will be ready for to perform research later on.
Next, place the third Table you crafted into the world. Right-click it with your wand and it will transform into an Arcane Workbench. This workbench works exactly like the the normal bench with two important differences. First, this bench is used to craft the items that require Vis in the Thauminomicon. On the top right of the interface, you will see a wand-shaped slot. This slot is a receptacle for whichever wand you choose to use to pay the Vis cost with. The Vis Penalty or Discount for the wand will apply here. The second difference is that unlike a normal workbench, the Arcane Workbench will hold on to the items that you place upon it when you exit the crafting grid instead of spitting them out onto the floor! Very handy, indeed.
Another big part of TC is the crucible it can be used to make things like golems and it can be used to triple metal nuggets!!(there are more uses other than this these are just my favourite)
To make a crucible you must first make a cauldron
Then right click it with your wand. Next you must have a fire underneath your cauldron then put water in your crucible and done it will be a fully functional crucible