Turbine Rotor Blade

Turbine Rotor Blade
Turbine Rotor Blade

Name Turbine Rotor Blade
Source Mod Big Reactors
ID Name
OreDict Name
First Appearance MC 1.6.4
Type Multi-block part
Stackable Yes (64)

The Turbine Rotor Blade is a vital piece of the multi-block turbine in Big Reactors.

The rotor blade uses steam to spin the Turbine Rotor Shaft. They must be attached to the rotor shaft or to a row of blades that eventually connects to the rotor shaft in order for them to work.

Each rotor blade is capable of handling 25 mB/t of steam. If the max flow rate of the turbine exceeds the amount required by the blades, then some of energy will be lost due to inefficiency. Rotor blades must be nearer to the Turbine Rotor Bearing than the turbine coil blocks.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Cyanite Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot

Turbine Rotor Blade

Feed The Beast Infinity Evolved Expert Mode

GUI Crafting Table.png
Cyanite Ingot
Iridium Ingot (Advanced Solar Panels)
Iridium Ingot (Advanced Solar Panels)

Turbine Rotor Blade


Turbine Rotor Blade has no known uses in crafting.