
Template documentation (for the above template, sometimes hidden or invisible)


This template is used to create the table on bee pages for standard genetic traits.
To use it, copy-paste the following code and fill in the parameters as described below.
|climate= |humidity=
|tempTol= |humidTol=
|diurnal= |nocturnal= |flyer= |cave=
Sample Output
|climate=Icy |humidity=Normal
|tempTol=+1 |humidTol= 0
|area=9 x 6 x 9
|diurnal=Yes |nocturnal=No |flyer=No |cave=No

The traits below are correct for pure-bred Bees/Geneticss:

Genetic Traits
Climate / Humidity Icy / Normal
Temp. Tol / Humid. Tol. +1 / 0
Lifespan Short
Speed Slower
Pollination Slowest
Flowers Flowers
Fertility 4 Drones
Area 9 x 6 x 9
Diurnal / Nocturnal / Flyer / Cave Yes / No / No / No
Effect Freezing


  • Climate - Acceptable values are Icy, Cold, Normal, Warm, Hot, Hellish
  • Humidity - Acceptable values are Damp, Normal, Arid
  • Tolerances - Values should be prefixed with - for lower, + with higher, and +- for both. (ex. +-1, -1, +2)
  • Lifespan - Acceptable values are Shortest, Shorter, Short, Shortened, Normal, Elongated, Long, Longer, Longest.
  • Speed - Acceptable values are Slowest, Slower, Slow, Normal, Fast, Faster, Fastest
  • Pollination - Acceptable values are Slowest, Slower, Slow, Normal, Fast, Faster, Fastest, Maximum
  • Flowers - Flowers, Jungle, Mushroom, Cacti, Lily Pad, Wheat, Rock, Reeds, Redstone, Nether, End, Magic Flowers, Books, None.
  • Fertility - number only, between 1 to 4.
  • Area - 9 x 6 x 9 is standard for almost all species.
  • Diurnal/Nocturnal/Flyer/Cave - Yes or No only.
  • Effect - as listed on the Effect page / in-game, or "None" if no effect.
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