

Name Kiln
Source Mod Engineer's Toolbox
ID Name Unknown
Type Module
Stackable Yes (64)

The Kiln is a module added by Engineer's Toolbox that will process Ground Limestone into Quicklime for use in a Multi Smelter module.





The Kiln module needs to be constructed in a multi-block structure as show below.

Kiln Multi-block Structure

The Kiln multi-block structure is constructed as a hollow 3x3 vertical tube, seven blocks tall built out of Limestone Bricks. The second level must have a Modular Socket on one of the sides with a Kiln module facing the inside of the Kiln. The remaining three edges on the second level do not need to have Limestone Bricks and can have any other block.

The Kiln module checks for a valid multi-block every 400 ticks (~20 seconds) so it may take a short while to register the structure. Once the structure is created, a wooden band will appear around the upper portion of the Kiln.


Once the Modular Socket has power, dropping a Ground Limestone block down the middle (it falls like Sand) will start the process. After about 20 seconds, the Ground Limestone will turn into three Quicklime dusts which will drop down. Note that the Ground Limestone has to be in contact with the Kiln module for the process to start.


Placing a Hopper at the bottom will collect the Quicklime as it falls. An Activator module placed in one of the extra slots on the second level can place the Ground Limestone to refill the Kiln.