Infernal Blast Furnace

Infernal Blast Furnace
Infernal Blast Furnace

Name Infernal Blast Furnace
Source Mod Witching Gadgets
ID Name
Type Multiblock
Stackable Yes (64)
Blast Resistance 30.0
Hardness 4.0
Solid Yes
Transparent Yes
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Drops Obsidian Obsidian (5)
Soul Sand Soul Sand (5)
Nether Brick Nether Brick (8)
Nether Brick Stairs Nether Brick Stairs (8)
Lava Lava (1)
Required Tool Diamond Pickaxe

Infernal Blast Furnace is a multiblock structure added by the Witching Gadgets mod. It can smelt Ore Clusters in 3 ingots (and a chance to get an additional nugget). Iron Ingot or Block of Iron can be smelted in Steel Ingot and Block of Steel respectively. The items to smelt have to be thrown in the top side of the multiblock. The smelting result will be dropped from one of the middle sides. Arcane Bellows can be attached to bottom center sides to increase the smelting speed. Any items or blocks other than Clusters or Iron will be destroyed.

Thaumcraft 4 Research Notes

Infernal Blast Furnace
[WG] IT BURNS!...it smelts, actually...

Thaumonomicon Entry

"Burning with an intensely hot magical flame, this furnace is the Thaumaturge's response to the engineer's tedious steps of cleaning their ores. It will smelt any clusters of metal thrown within it into three ingots, which the occasional nugget added to that.

Furthermore, should you require steel for other operations, the impure flame of this devilish artifact is a surefire way to get it. Simply throw in iron ingots or blocks and wait.

The speed of this construct can be increased by the same means as on the Infernal Furnace.

For normal smelting purposes however, this flame is far too hot, so don't try throwing chicken into it.

Disclaimer: Though the lava in this furnace has been enhanced by magic, it is still just as (if not more) dangerous. Any items not supposed to go into this furnace will be vapourized, as will any Thaumaturge stupid enough to fall into it."


In order to construct the multiblock, the player needs:


Layer 3x3 Grid.png
Nether Brick Stairs
Nether Brick Stairs
Nether Brick Stairs
Nether Brick Stairs
Nether Brick Stairs
Nether Brick Stairs
Nether Brick Stairs
Nether Brick Stairs

Layer 3x3 Grid.png
Soul Sand
Soul Sand
Soul Sand
Soul Sand
Soul Sand

Layer 3x3 Grid.png
Nether Brick (Block)
Nether Brick (Block)
Nether Brick (Block)
Nether Brick (Block)
Nether Brick (Block)
Nether Brick (Block)
Nether Brick (Block)
Nether Brick (Block)

The Nether Brick Stairs have to be rotated towards the center of the structure.

After construction the structure must be activated with any wand. Activation costs 50
+ 50
+ 50
. This will give the player 3 Warp.


Infernal Blast Furnace has no known uses in crafting.