Floppy Disk (ComputerCraft)

This article is about Floppy Disk from ComputerCraft . You may be looking for Floppy Disk from OpenComputers.

Floppy Disk
Floppy Disk

Floppy Disk

Name Floppy Disk
Source Mod ComputerCraft
ID Name
Type Item
Stackable No

The Floppy Disk is an item added by the ComputerCraft mod. Used in conjunction with a Disk Drive and Computer or Turtle to store and transfer data. The mod's computer software storage system is similar to the way it works in real life. This opens avenues for Players on servers running ComputerCraft wishing to distribute their software for in-game currency. To insert a floppy into a Disk Drive so it can be used, Right-click the disk drive and place the floppy into the slot.

Recipe [1][edit]

GUI Crafting Table.png

Floppy Disk (ComputerCraft)
GUI Crafting Table.png

Lapis Lazuli

Blue Floppy Disk

Interacting with Computers[edit]

Assorted coloured Disks

When a disk is inserted into a disk drive that is adjacent to a computer, a directory is visible in the computer's root directory titled 'disk'. If another disk is inserted into a different drive that is also connected to a computer then that next directory is entitled 'disk2' and so-on for each additional disk that is inserted and connected. To set a label for the Floppy Disk use to commands:



A numbered folder is created in the order of each disk labelled, containing the files saved on it [2]. The path is:

FTB <modpackName>\minecraft\saves\World\computer\disk\<diskNumber> [3]

The Player may interact with the files on the disk, using simple UNIX-like commands such as cd, edit, copy, move or delete. These files may also be edited using a word processor software such as Notepad++.


Floppy Disk (ComputerCraft) has no known uses in crafting.


  1. Lapis Lazuli can be substituted with any Dye colour to craft a colour Floppy Disk.
  2. The folder is created once a file is stored on the disk, not when it is labelled.
  3. If using ComputerCraft on a server these files are stored server side.