Feed The Beast Wiki talk:Tutorial Guidelines

Would having a template or standard format for something like the materials list + visual supplies box used on Tutorial:Automated_Centrifuge_(Forestry) be helpful for "build" type tutorials? Is having both too redundant? Embri (talk) 23:34, 6 April 2013 (CEST)

I do think it is a good idea to require a list of supplies on construction tutorials. My suggestion would be to keep the visual supplies box only. It contains all the vital information while occupying less (vertical) space. The visual table seems to more or less takes care of the regular materials list; I can't really think of a reason to keep both. My only suggestion would be to then also add the individual item names below each image, and maybe have the table be collapsible.
Turning the table into a template would be very practical and make editing easier. Creating the template shouldn't be too much trouble, although as far as tables are concerned I don't think it's possible to have them be completely dynamic. There would have to be a limit to the amount of items that can be included in the list. Actually, scratch that. I'm sure there's some good workarounds available for that. --Artsja (talk) 00:08, 7 April 2013 (CEST)
I originally had the list + visual "parts box" because many of the items have really long names that stretch things out and make it look rather ugly, I think it'd be okay with just the visual box though. Hovering over any item shows the name, or clicking brings you to its page. Whipped up a second tutorial here with just the table, for comparison: Tutorial:Phosphor Processor (Forestry).