Feed The Beast Wiki:Tutorial Guidelines

Note: This page is a heavy work-in-progress. For further discussion, please use the Talk page.

The following Tutorial Guidelines are designed to help mantain a high quality standard for Feed The Beast Wiki tutorials. Their aim is to aid users in creating helpful and well-structured tutorials which are easy to understand for all readers.

These guidelines are not to be regarded as policies which must be followed, but rather as useful practices. They are best treated with common sense as exceptions may be appropriate.

In general, all Style Guide guidelines also apply to articles in the "Tutorial" namespace. However, certain guides for writing style may be disregarded in favour of a simpler, more informal language.

Page Titles

  • Page titles in the tutorial namespace must always be prefaced with "Tutorial:".
  • Page titles should be kept as short and concise as possible while still containing all necessary information.
  • Mod names or other distinguishing information are best to be added in parentheses.
Example: Tutorial:Automated Tree Farm (Steve's Carts 2)
Example: Tutorial:Creating a Stable Dense Ores Age (Mystcraft)

Writing Style

  • Generally, tutorials may be written in a less formal manner than regular wiki articles.
  • Addressing the reader directly is allowed as it helps mantain a simple and clear language. Using first person is acceptable, but not preferred.
  • Always keep the language clear and concise. The main objective of a tutorial is to teach; the reader should not get confused or frustrated while reading the tutorial.
  • Avoid overly complex sentence structures which may confuse the reader or which can also be described in a more simple manner.
  • Test your text for ambiguity. Is there anything that could also be interpreted differently? If so, elaborate on said point and describe it further.

Content and Structure

  • A lead text or introductory paragraph should describe what the tutorial is about and what its goals and objectives are.
  • A "prerequesites" section can be a useful summary of things which are required from the player beforehand.
  • When describing a theoretical concept, use one or multiple examples that will help illustrate your point.
  • Break down your tutorial into simple steps or multiple parts. This will make the text easier to "digest". Use sub-headings to further break down longer topics.
  • Footnotes and links may be useful for further clarification of a topic if the information is only tangentially related or may break the text's flow.


  • Screenshots and other visuals are useful tools in illustrating a specific aspect of the game. It is recommended to add plenty of images to each tutorial section as they can greatly help the reader as well as break up large amounts of text.
  • Make sure all images are appropriately placed so that they correspond to the text itself.
  • Using {{Clr}} after paragraph with an image will move any content afterwards below the image, making it possible to assign certain images to certain paragraphs.