Blood Infused Diamond Sword (WIP)

Blood Infused Diamond Sword (WIP)
Blood Infused Diamond Sword (WIP)

Name Blood Infused Diamond Sword (WIP)
Source Mod Blood Arsenal
ID Name
Type Sword
Stackable No

The Blood Infused Diamond Sword is a bound tool added by the Blood Arsenal mod. It has infinite durability(repair themselves using the holder's Soul Network and a small LP cost), and has +13 Attack Damage. It also grants the player access to several modes: Normal Mode, Area Mode, Fire Mode. Normal mode is a normal sword. Area mode will damage all the mobs in the 3x3x1 area centered on the mob the sword hits. In Fire mode, this sword ignites Players/Mobs.

Recipe [1][edit]

GUI Crafting Table.png
Bound Diamond
Bound Diamond
Bound Diamond
Bound Diamond
Blood Infused Iron Sword
Bound Diamond
Amorphic Catalyst
Master Blood Orb
Amorphic Catalyst
Blood Infused Diamond Sword (WIP)


Blood Infused Diamond Sword (WIP) has no known uses in crafting.

See Also[edit]

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