User:Imanton1/Test (ignore this)

< User:Imanton1

...that Infinity Armor from Avaritia has infinity Protection.

Seed "SEED" spawns you underground in a mineshaft

[Expand] Minecraft
Fuel Type Energy Burn Time (ticks) RF/t
Apple Apple 8656 16 541.
Mushroom Stew Mushroom Stew 25944 24 1081.
Bread Bread 21620 20 1081.
Raw Porkchop Raw Porkchop 6492 12 541.
Cooked Porkchop Cooked Porkchop 46122 32 1441.31
Golden Apple (either) Golden Apple (either) 31696 16 1981.
Raw Fish Raw Fish 1448 8 181.
Raw Salmon Raw Salmon 1448 8 181.
Clownfish Clownfish 724 4 181.
Pufferfish Pufferfish 724 4 181.
Cooked Fish Cooked Fish 21620 20 1081.
Cooked Salmon Cooked Salmon 34584 24 1441.
Cake Cake 96000 64 1500.
Cookie Cookie 1448 8 181.
Melon Melon 4328 8 541.
Raw Beef Raw Beef 6492 12 541.
Staek Staek 46112 32 1441.
Raw Chicken Raw Chicken 4328 8 541.
Cooked Chicken Cooked Chicken 25944 24 1081.
Rotten Flesh Rotten Flesh 2896 16 181.
Spider Eye Spider Eye 11528 8 1441.
Carrot Carrot 17296 16 1081.
Potato Potato 2164 16 135.25
Baked Potato Baked Potato 25944 24 1081.
Poisonous Potato Poisonous Potato 4328 8 541.
Golden Carrot Golden Carrot 47544 24 1981.
Pumpkin Pie Pumpkin Pie 17312 32 541.
[Expand] Magic Bees
Fuel Type Energy Burn Time (ticks) RF/t
Handful of Jelly Babies Handful of Jelly Babies 4324 4 1081.
[Expand] MFR
Fuel Type Energy Burn Time (ticks) RF/t
Raw Meat Ingot Raw Meat Ingot 23056 16 1441.
Cooked Meat Ingot Cooked Meat Ingot 54758 38 1441.
Raw "Meat" Nugget Raw "Meat" Nugget 1444 4 361.
Cooked "Meat" Ingot Cooked "Meat" Ingot 5776 16 361.
[Expand] Natura
Fuel Type Energy Burn Time (ticks) RF/t
Cactus Juice Cactus Juice 724 4 181.
Blightberry Blightberry 2884 4 721.
Duskberry Duskberry 2884 4 721.
Skyberry Skyberry 2884 4 721.
Stingberry Stingberry 2884 4 721.
Raspberry Raspberry 2884 4 721.
Blueberry Blueberry 2884 4 721.
Blackberry Blackberry 2884 4 721.
Maloberry Maloberry 2884 4 721.
Saguaro Fruit Saguaro Fruit 6492 12 541.
Potash Apple Potash Apple 11536 16 721.
Raw Imphide Raw Imphide 4822 12 401.83
Cooked Imphide Cooked Imphide 34592 32 1081.
Glowshroom Stew Glowshroom Stew 25944 24 1081.
[Expand] OpenBlocks
Fuel Type Energy Burn Time (ticks) RF/t
Tasty Clay Tasty Clay 724 4 181.
[Expand] Thaumcraft
Fuel Type Energy Burn Time (ticks) RF/t
Mana Bean Mana Bean 3600 4 900.
Chicken Nuggets Chicken Nuggets 2164 4 541.
Beef Nuggets Beef Nuggets 2164 4 541.
Pork Nuggets Pork Nuggets 2164 4 541.
Fish Nuggets Fish Nuggets 2164 4 541.
Triple Meat Treat Triple Meat Treat 34584 24 1441.
Zombie Brain Zombie Brain 57776 16 3611.
[Expand] Hunger Overhaul
Fuel Type Energy Burn Time (ticks) RF/t
[Expand] Thaumic Exploration
Fuel Type Energy Burn Time (ticks) RF/t
Taintberry Taintberry 2164 4 541.
[Expand] The Twilight Forest
Fuel Type Energy Burn Time (ticks) RF/t
Hydra Chop Hydra Chop 176963. 60.5 2925.
[Expand] Pam's HarvestCraft
Fuel Type Energy Burn Time (ticks) RF/t
Raw Mutton Raw Mutton 12972 12 1081.
Cooked Mutton Cooked Mutton 80672 32 2521.
Raw Calamari Raw Calamari 8648 8 1081.
Cooked Calamari Cooked Calamari 50420 20 2521.
Chocolate Roll Chocolate Roll 34592 32 1081.
Tuna Potato Tuna Potato 95798 38 2521.
Honey Honey 17296 16 1081.
Honey Lemon Lamb Honey Lemon Lamb 80672 32 2521.
Honeycomb Chocolate Bar Honeycomb Chocolate Bar 34592 32 1081.
Honey Sandwich Honey Sandwich 63392 32 1981.
[Expand] Tinkers' Construct
Fuel Type Energy Burn Time (ticks) RF/t
Golden Head Golden Head 31696 16 1981.
[Expand] Forestry
Fuel Type Energy Burn Time (ticks) RF/t
Honeyed Slice Honeyed Slice 34592 32 1081.
Honeyed Pot Honeyed Pot 2888 8 361.

(automaticly generated from data, from INFINITY EVOLVED, AGSKYS coming soon)