Super-Laminar Fluiduct

Super-Laminar Fluiduct
Super-Laminar Fluiduct

Name Super-Laminar Fluiduct
Source Mod Thermal Dynamics
ID Name
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Blast Resistance 30.0
Hardness 1.0
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Crescent Hammer

The Super-Laminar Fluiduct is a block added by the Thermal Dynamics mod. Used to transport liquids. Compatible with most mods' machines and Tanks. Some machines such as the Aqueous Accumulator or Pump and some tanks such as a Portable Tank [1] will output to a connected Fluiduct automatically. The Fluiduct has an Opaque version [2] that removes the ability to see the liquid inside, it is cheaper to make and may reduce lag. Opaque Fluiduct will still connect to regular Fluiducts. The Super-Laminar has a limitless transfer rate. This Fluiduct can transport extreme temperature liquids. The Fluiduct can carry only one type of liquid at a time and will not accept a different type unless completely empty. Using a servo to route the fluid will limit the rate of the the Super-Laminar Fluiduct so after routing the fluid remove the servo to enable the limitless transfer rate.

Recipe [3]

GUI Crafting Table.png
Bronze Ingot (Thermal Foundation)
Hardened Glass
Bronze Ingot (Thermal Foundation)
Hardened Glass
Hardened Fluiduct
Hardened Glass
Bronze Ingot (Thermal Foundation)
Hardened Glass
Bronze Ingot (Thermal Foundation)
Super-Laminar Fluiduct



'Right click' on the connection with a Crescent Hammer or any Wrench to disconnect, inversely, 'Right click' on the side to be connected. 'Shift+Right-clicking' will remove the duct [4].


The type of fluid extracted may be filtered and Redstone control activation setting changed using a Servo [5] or a Retriever to extract from a remote source. 'Right-clicking' the Fluiduct connection with the Servo will install it, 'Right-clicking' again will open the GUI, where the Redstone signal setting may be changed to Disabled, Low or High. A ghost image of a fluid can be added to the filter inventory (using a bucket) and set to White or Black list.


Super-Laminar Fluiduct has no known uses in crafting.

See Also

The following items may also be of interest:


  1. Jump up A Servo or Retriever is needed to extract from the side of a Portable Tank.
  2. Jump up To craft the Super-Laminar Fluiduct (Opaque) Hardened Fluiduct Hardened Fluiduct can be substituted with Hardened Fluiduct (Opaque) Hardened Fluiduct (Opaque).
  3. Jump up Hardened Glass Hardened Glass can be substituted with the following items: Fused Quartz Fused Quartz, Hardened Lumium Glass Hardened Lumium Glass.
  4. Jump up When Removing the Fluiduct the liquid inside will be lost.
  5. Jump up A Filter may also be used on the receiving end [of a Servo] if the Duct system is used for multiple liquids and/ or outputs.