Lilypad of Fertility

Lilypad of Fertility
Lilypad of Fertility

Name Lilypad of Fertility
Source Mod Xeno's Reliquary
ID Name Unknown
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Unknown

When placed on water near crops or other plants the Lilypad of Fertility will cause them to grow more quickly.

It affects plants horizontally within three blocks in all directions for a total affected area of 7x7 blocks with the Lilypad in the center, and its vertical range is one block below and four blocks above. The effect is cumulative and multiple Lilypads of Fertility will cause plants to grow even faster. It will also affect plants grown on Xychorium Soil, as well as tree saplings and vines. When placed in the world, the Lilypad of Fertility will emit light green particles (similar to potions) when a player approaches.

The Lilypad of Fertility will not work on the following plants:

Known Bugs[edit]

When growing saplings with the Lilypad, the grown tree will be missing the bottom log and instead of the sapling disappearing, it will simply pop off. This makes it unusable for woodcutter treefarms.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Splash Fertilizer Serum
Splash Fertilizer Serum
Splash Fertilizer Serum
Splash Fertilizer Serum
Lily Pad
Splash Fertilizer Serum
Splash Fertilizer Serum
Splash Fertilizer Serum
Splash Fertilizer Serum
Lilypad of Fertility