Chance Cube

Chance Cube
Chance Cube

Name Chance Cube
Source Mod Chance Cubes
ID Name
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Tool Any tool

Chance Cube is a block that added by Chance Cubes that generates randomly across the world upon generation. When broken, they produce a random outcome, ranging from beneficial to destructive. Some outcomes will prompt input from the player, where they can type their response to the cube in chat.

Caution should be taken when placing a Chance Cube, as certain outcomes that spawn TNT, monsters, or a block of bedrock may be dangerous to players near their base.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli Block
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli
Chance Cube

Chance Cube Outcomes

Upon breaking a Chance Cube the possible outcomes include but are not limited to:

  • Spawning a Creeper
  • Spawning a Creeper and striking it with lightning to form a Charged Creeper
  • Replacing the broken Chance Cube and saying "No"
  • Renaming some items in your inventory
  • Spawning 6 Blocks of Quartz, 4 Chance Cubes and a Chance Icosahedron
  • Drops an ocelot egg and 5 bones
  • Drops a "Book of Memes" , a book with a random joke inside
  • Summons a horde of zombies
  • Drops a random item

Giant Chance Cube

A screenshot showing a regular Chance Cube and a Giant Chance Cube together

Giant Chance Cubes are a multiblock structure made by placing down a 3x3x3 cube of Chance Cubes. A dramatic sound will play when the Giant Chance Cube is created, and a new set of outcomes are possible upon breaking it. The Giant Chance Cube has the same texture as the regular Chance Cube, but it is three times the size. Extra Caution should be taken when creating a Giant Chance Cube, as even some of the beneficial outcomes can be destructive, such as the village generating outcome.

Can also be spawned with Compact Giant Chance Cube

Chance Cube
Chance Cube
Chance Cube
Chance Cube
Chance Cube
Chance Cube
Chance Cube
Chance Cube
Chance Cube

Chance Cube
Chance Cube
Chance Cube
Chance Cube
Chance Cube
Chance Cube
Chance Cube
Chance Cube
Chance Cube

Chance Cube
Chance Cube
Chance Cube
Chance Cube
Chance Cube
Chance Cube
Chance Cube
Chance Cube
Chance Cube

Giant Chance Cube Outcomes

Upon breaking a Giant Chance Cube the possible outcomes include but are not limited to:

  • Generate a glass sphere filled with a single molten metal
  • Generates a glass sphere filled with many random source blocks of molten metal
  • Generates a large dirt platform and generates a village on it
  • Generates a large bio-dome filled with blocks and mobs of a particular biome
  • Spawning TNT and arrows in every direction
  • Spawning random Projectiles in every direction
  • Spawning a large amount of negative splash potions (Doom potions can kill players in creative mode)
  • Spawning four pillars from the bottom of the world to the top
  • Spawning a sphere of ores
  • Inverts all blocks in a chunk (dirt turns into stone)
  • Says "Inception!!!!" and plays the dramatic inception noise
  • Generates a Woodland Mansion


Chance Cube has no known uses in crafting.