
(Redirected from Category:Circuit Extracted Items)

Calculator adds a complicated Circuit Extraction System. Unfortunately, the complete chain of processing cannot be viewed as a whole in game. Showing it is the main purpose of this article.

First Step[edit]

The whole process begins with circuit obtaining, using Extraction Chamber Extraction Chamber. This device allows obtaining of random Dirty Circuits from Dirt and Damaged Circuits from Stone. Unfortunately, player cannot control type of the circuit obtained, and the chance to not waste input is only 1/8, so it's recommended to upgrade the machine to Precision Chamber Precision Chamber. The device allows to obtain random circuit from Dirt or Stone with 100% probability and also allows obtaining of specific circuits for crafting using other inputs. The possible inputs are listed in table below.

Item Circuit Type 2nd step (restoration or reassembly)
Cobblestone Cobblestone Controlled Fuel Circuit Controlled Fuel Circuit Reassembly
Sand Sand Circuit Circuit Reassembly
Stone Bricks Stone Bricks Circuit Circuit Reassembly
Reinforced Stone Reinforced Stone Circuit Circuit Reassembly
Soul Sand Soul Sand Speed Upgrade Circuit Speed Upgrade Circuit Restoration
Obsidian Obsidian Energy Upgrade Circuit Energy Upgrade Circuit Restoration
Gravel Gravel Void Upgrade Circuit Void Upgrade Circuit Reassembly
Oak Leaves Oak Leaves Circuit Circuit Restoration
Lapis Lazuli Lapis Lazuli Carbon Dioxide Generator Circuit Carbon Dioxide Generator Circuit Restoration
Nether Brick Nether Brick Glowstone Extractor Circuit Glowstone Extractor Circuit Reassembly
Reinforced Dirt Reinforced Dirt Circuit Circuit Restoration
Sandstone Sandstone Circuit Circuit Reassembly
Clay Block Clay Block Circuit Circuit Reassembly
Redstone Redstone Circuit Circuit Restoration

Second Step[edit]

The Dirty Circuits and Damaged Circuits obtained on First Step have to be processed in Restoration Chamber Restoration Chamber and Reassembly Chamber Reassembly Chamber, respectively. Alternatively, Processing Chamber Processing Chamber can be created, allowing to process all circuits quicker and using a single machine, however, this requires player to have Atomic Calculator Atomic Calculator thus it's available later in the game.

Third Step[edit]

Circuits obtained on the Second Step can be used directly, however, they should be put in Analysing Chamber Analysing Chamber to extract possible items and RF contained in them. All possible items are listed in table below. On this step, some circuits will become Stable, these can be used in Calculator Locator to increase its stability.

Circuit Extracted Items[edit]

This page has a list with all 55 documented circuit extracted items from the mod. All items are displayed with the chance of obtaining them, as well as whether they are destroyed by installing Void Upgrade into Analysing Chamber. The table can be sorted for all 3 properties by clicking the column headers.

Name Chance Destroyed with Void Upgrade
Advanced Assembly Advanced Assembly 0.02% No
Advanced Terrain Module Advanced Terrain Module 0.2% No
Algorithm Separator Algorithm Separator 0.02% No
Amethyst Sapling Amethyst Sapling 0.1% No
Amethyst Wood Amethyst Wood 0.2% No
Atomic Assembly Atomic Assembly 0.01% No
Atomic Calculator Atomic Calculator 0.01% No
Atomic Module Atomic Module 0.02% No
Basic Terrain Module Basic Terrain Module 0.2% No
Beacon Beacon 0.01% No
Broccoli (Calculator) Broccoli (Calculator) 6% Yes
Broccoli Seeds (Calculator) Broccoli Seeds (Calculator) 6% Yes
Calculator (Item) Calculator (Item) 6% Yes
Calculator Assembly Calculator Assembly 6% Yes
Calculator Locator (Calculator Machine) Calculator Locator (Calculator Machine) 0.01% No
Calculator Plug Calculator Plug 0.01% No
Calculator Screen Calculator Screen 6% Yes
Crank Handle Crank Handle 6% Yes
Diamond Diamond 0.02% No
Electric Hoe (Calculator) Electric Hoe (Calculator) 0.2% No
Emerald Emerald 0.02% No
End Diamond End Diamond 0.01% No
End Forged Hoe End Forged Hoe 0.02% No
Ender Pearl Ender Pearl 0.02% No
Energy Module (Calculator) Energy Module (Calculator) 0.1% No
Enriched Coal Enriched Coal 0.2% No
Enriched Gold Enriched Gold 0.2% No
Enriched Gold Axe Enriched Gold Axe 6% Yes
Enriched Gold Pickaxe Enriched Gold Pickaxe 6% Yes
Eye of Ender Eye of Ender 0.01% No
Fiddledew Fruit Fiddledew Fruit 0.02% No
Flawless Calculator Flawless Calculator 0.01% No
Flawless Diamond (Calculator) Flawless Diamond (Calculator) 0.02% No
Flawless Diamond Sword Flawless Diamond Sword 0.02% No
Flawless Greenhouse (Calculator Machine) Flawless Greenhouse (Calculator Machine) 0.01% No
Hand Cranked Generator Hand Cranked Generator 6% Yes
Health Module Health Module 0.1% No
Health Processor Health Processor 0.3% No
Hunger Processor Hunger Processor 0.1% No
Large Amethyst Large Amethyst 0.2% No
Large Tanzanite Large Tanzanite 0.2% No
Nether Star Nether Star 0.01% No
Obsidian Obsidian 0.02% No
Power Cube Power Cube 6% Yes
Reinforced Dirt Reinforced Dirt 6% Yes
Reinforced Iron Sword Reinforced Iron Sword 6% Yes
Reinforced Stone (Calculator) Reinforced Stone (Calculator) 6% Yes
Scientific Calculator Scientific Calculator 0.2% No
Small Stone (Calculator) Small Stone (Calculator) 6% Yes
Soil Soil 6% Yes
Starch Extractor Starch Extractor 0.2% No
Stone Separator Stone Separator 0.02% No
Tanzanite Sapling Tanzanite Sapling 0.1% No
Tanzanite Wood Tanzanite Wood 0.1% No