Steam Grate

Steam Grate
Steam Grate

Name Steam Grate
Source Mod ReactorCraft
ID Name Unknown
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Stone Pickaxe

The Steam Grate is a machine from ReactorCraft. The Steam Grate will take in Steam from a Steam Line at any side and release it out as a block of Steam that will flow upwards. This is useful for turning the blade of a Turbine. However upgrading the turbine to a High-Pressure Turbine will eliminate the need for a Steam Grate, as the steam is piped into its Steam Injector instead.

Handbook Description[edit]

The steam grate takes in steam from steam lines and releases it into the world. The steam will then rise until it hits a blockage, where it will spread out. Ideally, the steam should rise directly into a turbine so that its energy can be extracted.

Additional Data[edit]

  • Steam Output: Top
  • Max Output: 1 block per tick (20 blocks/s)


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Steam Grate