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Trees are one of Minecraft's most important natural resources. Sure, every miner is thrilled when they find diamonds in their mine, but where would they be without the humble Sticks used to craft their Pickaxe? Survival in Minecraft absolutely depends on Trees. The vanilla game of Minecraft already featured a few different types of trees, but in other modpacks, there may be several more types added. This makes adventuring much more interesting, as you journey through towering Redwood Forests, lush Jungles, colorful Autumn Woods, and towering Alpine mountains covered in Fir trees.

Vanilla Trees

There are six types of trees found in Vanilla Minecraft:

  • Oak
    • The most common tree found in vanilla Minecraft is the Oak Tree. They can grow in four main varieties: the standard small tree; a large, multi branched tree; a swamp variety that can be found with vines growing from its canopy; and a small bush variety, usually consisting of one oak log block surrounded by leaves. There are also the rare huge oak trees in Feed The Beast. They have oak leaves and wood and can grow up to 60 blocks high and 65 blocks wide. (You'll know when you see one.)
  • Birch
    • The second most common tree found in vanilla Minecraft, Birch Trees have a distinctive white bark. Unlike Oak Trees, these only come in one shape, so you won't need to worry about them growing in ways you don't expect. They can vary between 5 and 7 blocks tall, but they will still retain the same basic shape.
  • Spruce
    • Spruce Trees are the third variety of tree found in vanilla Minecraft. Their most distinctive features are their typically cone shaped, forest green leaf canopy, and their rich, dark brown bark. Like the Oak Tree, they come in several varieties: the standard 7 to 9 block tall cone-shaped tree, a much larger 14 to 17 block tall version of the smaller tree, and a skinny variant of the larger tree with a cluster of leaves at the very top.
  • Jungle
    • An other variety of tree found in vanilla Minecraft is the Jungle Tree. These trees have a distinctive sideways striped bark pattern, and are usually seen covered in a thick growth of vines. Jungle trees can grow in two main varieties: a normal sized one that is typically in the neighborhood of 9 blocks tall, and a giant variety that has a 2x2 block trunk, and grows from as small as 11 blocks tall to as tall as 32 blocks tall. These giant Jungle Trees are an excellent source of wood, typically providing over a stack of Jungle Wood, provided you have the patience to chop one down!
  • Dark Oak
    • Dark oak trees are found in Roofed Forest Biomes along with giant red and brown mushrooms. Dark Oak Trees are really similar to Jungle Trees. They both can be grown using saplings in a 2x2 pattern, they both have a 2x2 trunk. Dark Oak Trees are shorter than Jungle Trees and have a Dark Log Texture, darker than Spruce Logs.
  • Acacia
    • Acacia trees can be found in Savannah Biomes. Acacia trees have a grayish log color but when you craft the log into planks, the planks are bright orange. These types of trees are ten to fifteen blocks tall and come in many patterns.

ExtraBiomesXL Trees

ExtraBiomesXL is an excellent mod that makes adventuring in Minecraft much more interesting. It adds many new Biomes to the game that are not found in vanilla Minecraft. In order to make these Biomes feel complete, the mod adds several new types of Trees.

  • Acacia
    • Acacia Trees can be found in the new Savannah Biome. They grow around nine to ten blocks high, and have smooth grey bark. Their yellow-green leaves grow in a distinctive pyramid shape atop the trunk. Acacia Trees may be planted in any Biome by planting an Acacia Sapling. This type of tree has been implemented in Vanilla Minecraft during the 1.7 update.
  • Autumn Trees
    • Found in the Autumn Woods Biome, these colorful trees make for beautiful scenery. They come in four shades: orange, reddish-purple, brown, and golden. Because they are based on the Oak Tree, they share its bark, and like the Oak, are able to grow in both small and large varieties. Autumn Trees are not limited to Autumn Woods Biomes, however. Each color tree drops a matching Autumn Sapling, which may be planted in any Biome to brighten things up a bit.
  • Fir
    • These massive trees can be found in the Alpine, Snowy Rainforest, Temperate Rainforest, and Woodland Biomes. Growing in the neighborhood of 30 to 40 blocks tall, these trees tower over nearby objects. In shape of their leaf distribution, they can resemble overgrown Spruce Trees, but their wood, leaves, and saplings are unique to Fir Trees. They can grow with either a 1 block thick trunk, or a 2x2 block thick trunk, similarly to Jungle Trees. Like Jungle Trees, in order to grow the thicker tree, simply plant four saplings in a square. Fir trees will not grow directly beside one another unless planted in a square of four.
  • Oak
    • In addition to the vanilla varieties of Oak Trees, ExtraBiomesXL adds a new type: the ultra-rare Legend Oak. This tree grows with a 2x2 block thick trunk, and to towering heights. If you spot one, consider yourself lucky!
  • Redwood
    • Like the Fir Trees, Redwood Trees can be overwhelming when seen in person. These trees only come in a 2x2 block trunk variety, and grow to immense heights, sometimes over 55 blocks tall! If you try planting only one Redwood Sapling, it will never grow, so be sure to plant them in a square of four. Their reddish bark is quite beautiful, especially when contrasted with their dark green leaves. They can be found in Redwood Forest and Redwood Lush Biomes.

Biomes O' Plenty Trees

IndustrialCraft2 Trees

There's actually only one type of tree added by IndustrialCraft2, but it's a very important one if you want to make use of any type of IC2 machinery.

  • Rubber Tree
    • The Rubber Tree grows in much the same shape as a Birch Tree, with a trunk made of Rubber Wood and an additional spike of leaves on the very top. These trees will often have one or more orange rectangles on them somewhere on the trunk--these are sapholes, which may be tapped for Sticky Resin. After tapping, the saphole vanishes. Attempting to tap a saphole after it has disappeared can cause the tree to stop producing sap altogether; so wait a while and let the saphole return on its own. Rubber Trees grow most commonly in Swamp Biomes, but can be found less frequently almost anywhere.
    • This tree should not be confused with the Redpower 2 Rubber Tree, which is found only in jungles, does not have sapholes, and is much larger.
    • This tree should also not be confused with the MineFactory Reloaded Rubber Tree, which is found in most biomes, does not have sapholes, and is slightly smaller.

Twilight Forest Trees

The Twilight Forest mod included in the Feed The Beast modpack adds a whole new woodland dimension to explore, filled with dangerous bosses, hazardous terrain, and yes, several new types of trees. You may want to know what to expect from them, seeing as how you might be planting these trees outside your home very soon!

  • Canopy Tree
    • Canopy Trees are the most common Twilight Tree, and may be found all over the Twilight Forest. Their black bark with white spots make them easily recognizable. They are also fairly tall, normally reaching between 20 to 24 blocks tall. Their trunks are typically bare until the very top, where they spread out in a wide circular canopy of leaves. They may also have root formations at the base. Canopy Trees can also occur in a larger version. This large tree has a 2x2 block thick trunk, and ranges from 35 to 40 blocks tall. Canopy trees typically have at least one Firefly living on them.
  • Darkwood Tree
    • Darkwood Trees can be found in Dark Forest Biomes. They grow in extremely dense clusters, and each has an extremely thick canopy of leaves, which will typically blot out the sky over the forest. Darkwood Trees have the shortest trunks of any tree found in the Twilight Forest. While they can grow from 10 to 14 blocks tall, around half of that height is their signature leaf canopy.
  • Mangrove Tree
    • Mangrove Trees are found in the various Swamp Biomes of the Twilight Forest. They grow in a distinctive hourglass shape, with roots spreading wide at the base, and a canopy branching out from the top of a slender trunk. Their bark is light grey with golden spots. Like Canopy Trees, Mangrove Trees can be host to Fireflies. Mangrove Trees range from 15 to 16 blocks tall, but unlike Darkwood Trees, their height is mostly from their trunk.
  • Twilight Oak Tree
    • Twilight Oaks are not only the most massive trees in the Twilight Forest mod, they're also the most massive trees in the entire FTB modpack. These monolithic trees grow from 50 to 100 blocks tall, and their trunks can be up to 9 blocks thick! The center of these giant trees are frequently hollow and covered in vines, allowing an adventurous sort to climb up to the top. In addition to Fireflies, these trees are the only natural home of the noisy Cicadas. Sometimes, a miniature dungeon can be found on top, with a swarm spider spawner and loot such as robust twilight oak saplings. Sickly saplings grow small and are a chance drop from the leaves. Robust oak saplings can only be found from special loot.
  • Rainbow Oak Tree
    • Rainbow Oaks are most prominently found in naturally generated enchanted forest biomes. Their leaves come with a unique shader that grant them a brilliant color gradient that's sure to catch attention.
  • Tree of Time
    • This mystical tree is very rare and usually only found in chests. It has its own, uncraftable wood as well as unique leaves. The timewood clock is the magical heart of the tree, speeding up ticks around it. Useful for making farms or speeding up tick-based events. You cannot mine the clock, so you must rely on pistons or the gravity gun to move it. Timewood leaves will drop uninteresting and altogether normal vanilla oak saplings.
  • Tree of Transformation
    • This tree has unique wood and leaves that give it an arcane appearance. It does not appear in the wild. The heart of transformation grown within the tree will gradually convert the surrounding biome to an enchanted forest biome. You cannot mine the heart. Its eldritch leaves of transformation will drop much more mundane spruce saplings.
  • Sorting Tree
    • Sorting trees are very small and composed of sorting leaves, sorting wood, and the sortingwood engine. The engine cannot drop from destruction, and organizes the items in nearby chests. Sorting leaves drop plain old jungle saplings.
  • Miner's Tree
    • This special tree is indispensable. Its magical heart is the minewood core, which yanks up ore from a large radius to a much more accessible point. Minewood and miner's leaves converge in the form of a pickaxe upon growth, and the tree is easily recognizable. Like the other 3 mystical trees, its magical core cannot be harvested. Miner's leaves drop comparatively bland birch saplings.

Forestry Trees

Forestry introduces several varieties of trees to FTB, but these are only available through Tree Breeding, or the creative inventory. Each tree, with the exception of the Bull Pine, also has its own unique color of planks, fences, slabs, stairs, and facades. Many of them produce fruit, which shows as colored spots on the leaves of the tree. The fruit can be harvested by breaking the leaves of the tree. Fruit will only drop when it is ripe, which is shown by the spots on the leaves changing color. Currently, the only use for fruit is making Seed Oil in a Squeezer.

It is important to note that when bonemealing Forestry saplings for 2x2 and 3x3 trees, the correct sapling must be hit with the bonemeal in order for the tree to grow. This is the north west sapling for 2x2 trees and the center sapling for a 3x3 tree.

  • Balsa
    • Balsa trees are large, 1x1 trees with straight trunks, light colored wood, and very few leaves.
  • Bull Pine
    • the Bull Pine tree is a variant of the Spruce tree commonly found in vanilla Minecraft. Its leaves are much yellower, however. It produces vanilla Spruce planks, which makes it the only forestry tree which does not have its own unique type of wood.
  • Common Walnut
    • Common Walnut trees are average height, 2x2 trees with dark wood. They produce walnuts, which can be squeezed to make seed oil.
  • Desert Acacia
    • Desert Acacia trees are small 1x1 trees which produce no fruit and have green wood. They have a shallow pyramid shaped canopy, and look almost identical to ExtraBiomesXL's Acacia trees.
  • Grandadier's Baobab
    • Grandadier's Baobab trees are large, fruitless, 3x3 trees with green planks and reddish bark.
  • Hill Cherry
    • Hill Cherry trees are small 1x1 trees with yellow wood, red bark, and purple leaves. They produce cherries, which can currently only be used to make seed oil in a squeezer.
  • Kapok
    • Kapok trees are large 1x1 trees which produce no fruit, and have a tan colored wood.
  • Mundane Larch
    • Mundane Larch trees are one of the first trees you will discover, as they are bred from vanilla trees. they are average height 1x1 trees, and produce pink colored wood.
  • Myrtle Ebony
    • Myrtle Ebony trees are average height 3x3 trees. They produce no fruit, and have a very dark colored wood, with a light colored bark.
  • Sequoia
    • Sequoia tree are very tall 3x3 trees which produce relatively few leaves. They have no fruit, and a reddish color wood.
  • Silver Lime
    • Silver lime trees are short, fruitless, 1x1 trees which have a yellowish wood. Apiarist houses in NPC villages are usually made of lime wood planks.
  • Sipiri
    • Sipiri trees are tall, 1x1 trees. They will not grow in any biome except a jungle or mini-jungle, which makes them the only Forestry tree which currently cannot grow outside its specified biome. It produces Greenheart wood, and is one of only two trees from forestry, the other being the Yellow Meranti, which have wood that is named differently than the tree which produces it.
  • Sweet Chestnut
    • Sweet Chestnut trees are large 2x2 trees which produce chestnuts, which can be used to make seed oil in a squeezer.
  • Teak
    • Teak trees are small 1x1 trees with light gray wood and no fruit.
  • Wenge
    • Wenge trees are small, fruitless, 2x2 trees.
  • White Willow
    • White Willow trees are average height, 1x1 trees with a lot of leaves, which form a sort of dome over the trunk of the tree. They produce no fruit and have a yellowish wood.
  • Yellow Meranti
    • Yellow Meranti trees are tall 2x2 trees which yield no fruit, and produce Mahogany wood, which is purplish in color. They are one of only two trees which produce wood which is named differently from the tree which produces it. The other is the Sipri tree.

Natura Trees

Natura adds some new types of trees as well as some trees in the Nether.

  • Redwood
    • Redwood trees are very large and require a 7x7 square of saplings in order to grow. From the logs you can make a door that blends in with the tree itself for secret bases. The planks also make a door as well as various other items.
  • Hopseed
    • Hopseed trees will only grow in extreme hills biomes, they are more of a very wide bush.
  • Willow
    • Willow trees have leaves that hang down and touch the ground. The Willow tree has vividly green planks.
  • Sakura
    • Sakura trees have bright pink leaves.
  • Silverbell
    • The Silverbell tree has an off-white sort of colored planks and white bell-like objects on the leaves.
  • Tigerwood
    • Tigerwood trees are similar in appearance to maples.
  • Amaranth
    • Amaranth trees have very dark and prominent purple planks. They are often found in jungles.
  • Maple
    • Maple trees have reddish leaves and golden-reddish wood.
  • Eucalyptus
    • Eucalyptus trees are unusually shaped and seem to weave about. They have light pink planks.
  • Acacia
    • Acacia trees
  • Bloodwood
  • Darkwood
    • Darkwood trees are found in the Nether. Their leaves sometimes contain potash apples.
  • Ghostwood
    • Ghostwood trees are found in the Nether. They will only grow when planted on tainted soil or Netherrack.
  • Fusewood
    • Fusewood trees are found in the Nether and produce small explosions when harvested.
