Miniature Black Hole

Miniature Black Hole
Miniature Black Hole

Name Miniature Black Hole
Source Mod Portal Gun
ID Name Unknown
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)

The Miniature Black Hole is an item added by the Portal Gun Mod. It is used in the construction of the Portal Gun and the Portal Spawner.

In the Feed The Beast Beta Pack A modpack, the Miniature Black Hole item does not exist, and its role in crafting recipes is taken by the Ender Pearl.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Ender Pearl Dust (Portal Gun Mod)
Ender Pearl Dust (Portal Gun Mod)
Ender Pearl Dust (Portal Gun Mod)
Ender Pearl Dust (Portal Gun Mod)
Nether Star
Ender Pearl Dust (Portal Gun Mod)
Ender Pearl Dust (Portal Gun Mod)
Ender Pearl Dust (Portal Gun Mod)
Ender Pearl Dust (Portal Gun Mod)
Miniature Black Hole

FTB Infinity Evolved Expert Mode

GUI Crafting Table.png
Ender Pearl Dust (Portal Gun Mod)
Ender Pearl Dust (Portal Gun Mod)
Ender Pearl Dust (Portal Gun Mod)
Ender Pearl Dust (Portal Gun Mod)
Pellets of RTG Fuel
Ender Pearl Dust (Portal Gun Mod)
Ender Pearl Dust (Portal Gun Mod)
Ender Pearl Dust (Portal Gun Mod)
Ender Pearl Dust (Portal Gun Mod)
Miniature Black Hole


Miniature Black Hole can be used to create the following items: