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Turbines - Feed The Beast Wiki



Turbines use Steam to produce power. Steam may be generated from a Reactor, or from another mod that provides steam generation. Steam is converted back into water, which may be recycled into a Reactor to produce more steam.

Rotor Material

For each rotor block in the turbine made of either a Turbine Rotor Shaft and a Turbine Rotor Blade, a mass of 10 is added [1].

Turbine Coil Material

The three values are always averaged together to give the resulting values for the entire turbine coil. A higher efficiency will always produce more power. A higher drag will produce more power, but will slow down the rotor more when induction is enabled. A higher bonus will also always produce more power.

Block Efficiency Drag Bonus
Iron Iron 0.33 0.1 1
Copper Copper 0.396 0.12 1
Osmium Osmium 0.462 0.12 1
Brass Brass 0.462 0.12 1
Aluminum Aluminum 0.495 0.13 1
Steel Steel 0.495 0.13 1
Invar Invar 0.495 0.14 1
Silver Silver 0.561 0.15 1
Gold Gold 0.66 0.175 1
Electrum Electrum 0.825 0.2 1
Fluxed Electrum Fluxed Electrum 0.825 0.22 1.01
Platinum Platinum 0.99 0.25 1
Shiny Shiny 0.99 0.25 1
Titanium Titanium 1.023 0.27 1
Enderium Enderium 0.99 0.3 1.02
Ludicrite Ludicrite 1.155 0.35 1.02
Mithril Mithril [2] 0.726 0.15 1
Orichalcum Orichalcum [2] 0.759 0.17 1
Quicksilver Quicksilver [2] 0.858 0.18 1
Haderoth Haderoth [2] 0.99 0.2 1
Celenegil Celenegil [2] 1.089 0.225 1
Tartarite Tartarite [2] 0.99 0.25 1

Turbine Optimization

Optimized turbine designs for various coil materials

  • Turbines convert steam into water at an even ratio, and produce a certain amount of RF per tick depending on the coil material and turbine design.
  • Steam intake is always between 0 and 2,000 mB per tick.
  • The rotor speed gauge only shows between 0 and 2,200 RPM, but the actual rotor speed can be higher.
  • Generated energy is always positive or 0.
  • The width of the turbine frame is not a factor of energy output.
  • The number of rotor shafts isn't a very large factor of energy output. Dimensions used are at the Player's discretion.
  • If maximum rotor speed is unlimited and 2,000 mB per tick of steam is available, it is most efficient to use 80 rotor blades. If the rotor speed is limited to 2,000 RPM, perhaps more rotor shafts and fewer rotor blades would be preferable in order to keep the rotor speed above 1,796.27 but below 2,000 RPM while optimizing energy output.
  • All blocks of the coil do not need to be made of the same material, but are averaged together to determine the turbine's score in each of the three coil traits. This makes it possible to make composite coils that use cheap filler metals in balance with high end metals to maximize limited resources. It also means, however, that adding a ring of a low performing metal to a turbine with several rings of a high-perfomance metal may actually reduce the output.

Turbine Equation

  • BladeSurfaceArea = Number of rotor blades in the turbine.
  • RotorMass = Total combined mass of the rotor blades and rotor shafts. See the table above for the mass of each block.
  • CoilSize = The number of coil blocks in the turbine.
  • InductorEfficiency, InductorDrag, InductorBonus = The average Efficiency, Drag, and Bonus of each coil block (from the table above).
  • RotorSpeed = The speed of the rotor as displayed in the turbine controller GUI.

<math>\text{TurbineEfficiency}= \begin{array}{cc} \
  1. As of v0.3.4A2, any material will have a mass of 10 units per block. In the future the mod developer plans to allow the rotor to be constructed out of different materials.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 These six materials only work if the use of fantasy metals is enabled in the Big Reactor config file.