
Thermal Dynamics's major overhaul

With TD's major changes, I would be inclined to move this page to 'Itemduct (Thermal Expansion 3)' and dedicate Itemduct page for TD's new duct system


Keep adding more sections on this page for each mod's items, but that gets messier as it's already messy: 2 NavBoxes, several more Item InfoBoxes...

or (perhaps better yet)

Write a synopsis on this page linking to each Mod's Items...--JC the Techie (talk) 06:30, 13 August 2015 (CEST)

So, I guess the only major change came with TD is that pipes are no longer a part of TE and not much changed with the pipe's behavior itself except the servo stuff. This page is dedicated to the basic Itemduct (and it's opaque version), not the summary of all added and should stay so IMOO. I think there should a small page for each type rather than enormous summary page with bunch of infoboxes; navboxes however are not a big problem (IMOO again :D). --Ginpachi987 (talk) 09:53, 13 August 2015 (CEST)
OK, makes sense - so then only the '(Opaque)' version piggy back on the same page. Does it really need its own infobox?--JC the Techie (talk) 23:30, 13 August 2015 (CEST)