Talk:Energy Cell

Redstone Energy Cell

In my opinion, the Redstone Energy Cell has changed significantly enough from TE2 to TE3 as to warrant separate pages (at least, until modpack-specific display is a feature). Differences are:

stores 600k MJ stores 10M RF
transfers 100 MJ/t transfers 2k RF/t
is grey is yellow
IO all sides always configurable input/output/disable per side
energy level readable by Gates nope
(don't know, actually) energy level readable by vanilla Comparator
connects to wooden pipes nope

That's just what I can come up with off the top of my head. The only parts of the current TE2 Redstone Energy Cell article that I see as applicable to TE3's cell are:

  • I/O amount is configurable
  • Redstone control is configurable
  • Retains energy if collected with a Crescent Hammer
  • Recipe

I've created this disambig page with links to separate articles for the two versions, but will refrain from creating/moving those pages without others' opinions. Thanks! --timrem (talk) 21:19, 9 March 2014 (CET)

Agreed, separating the TE2 and TE3 energy cells seems appropriate. Although the two are somewhat similar, they have a few major differences, so having two separate articles will probably be best. Speaking of it, should we spearate the Redstone Energy Conduit article as well? If we split this one up, we should probably also do it with the conduit. --dgelessus (talk · contribs) 22:19, 9 March 2014 (CET)
I'd be on board with separate Conduit articles. --timrem (talk) 23:34, 9 March 2014 (CET)