Syngas Producer

Syngas Producer is a multiblock Structure added by Advanced Generators mod. It can be used to create syngas by using coal (block of coal) or charcoal and steam(or water with Heating chamber block in structure). Syngas Producer can store 32000mb of each liquids, such as Water, steam, syngas and carbon.


Fuel Carbon value(mb)
Coal Coal 1600
Charcoal Charcoal 1600
Block of Coal Block of Coal 16000

Building a Syngas Producer[edit]

It is a multiblock structure, which can have:

Syngas Producer GUI[edit]

Syngas Producer GUI.png
  1. Water amount.
  2. Syngas amount.
  3. Steam and Carbon amount (in %).
  4. Syngas Producer's state.
  5. Coal input slots.
  6. Output configugation.
  7. Clear internal buffers button.
Syngas Producer State GUI.png

  1. Current heat gain/loss (Heat unit/tick).
  2. Current carbon consuming (Carbon(mb)/tick).
  3. Current syngas producing.

Generating Syngas[edit]

Syngas Producer generates syngas by using coal and steam(or Water with Heating chamber block in structure). For more info visit syngas page.


Syngas Producer has no known uses in crafting.