Speed Upgrade (Ex Astris)

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Speed Upgrade
Speed Upgrade

Speed Upgrade

Name Speed Upgrade
Source Mod Ex Astris
ID Name
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)

Speed Upgrade is an item added by the Ex Astris mod. It can be applied to an Automatic Sieve to speed up the sieving process at the cost of additional power.

Energy Cost

RF Consumption (in RF/T) : = ( Base Energy Cost* ( ( Number of Speed Upgrades / 1024 ) + 0.005 ) / 0.005 ) + CostIncreasePerFortune*( Number of Fortune Upgrades ) )

CostIncreasePerFortune = config (10 default)

Base Energy Cost = config (40 default)

Speed Increase

Speed : = Every item starts at 1.0 (100% left)

Every tick this is subtracted := 0.005 + (Number of Speed Upgrades / 1024)

So default it takes 10s for one sieving operation


So with the Number of Speed upgrades (which you can only can add one) / 1024 will be your factor add and divide depend if you have Fortune Upgrade added. The end result will increase more RF needed in order to use the Sieve


The below table provides examples of the effects of adding more speed upgrades to an Automatic Sieve. (This data is accurate for Sky Factory 2.5, other modpacks may be configured differently.)

Number of Speed Upgrades Sieving time (in seconds) Speedup (compared to base time) Power consumption (RF/tick)
0 10 1.0 20
10 3.386 2.953 59.063
20 2.038 4.906 98.125
30 1.458 6.859 137.188
40 1.135 8.813 176.250
50 0.929 10.766 215.312
60 0.786 12.719 254.375
64 0.741 13.500 270.000


Thermal Foundation

GUI Crafting Table.png
Electrum Nugget (Thermal Foundation)
Invar Ingot (Thermal Foundation)
Electrum Nugget (Thermal Foundation)
Invar Ingot (Thermal Foundation)
Pyrotheum Dust (Thermal Foundation)
Invar Ingot (Thermal Foundation)
Electrum Nugget (Thermal Foundation)
Invar Ingot (Thermal Foundation)
Electrum Nugget (Thermal Foundation)
Speed Upgrade (Ex Astris)


GUI Crafting Table.png
Vibrant Alloy Nugget
Redstone Alloy (EnderIO)
Vibrant Alloy Nugget
Redstone Alloy (EnderIO)
Dark Steel Ball
Redstone Alloy (EnderIO)
Vibrant Alloy Nugget
Redstone Alloy (EnderIO)
Vibrant Alloy Nugget
Speed Upgrade (Ex Astris)


Speed Upgrade (Ex Astris) has no known uses in crafting.