Self: Synthskin
Synthskin is a Self-Infusion added by the Thaumic Horizons mod. It refills hunger bar while the player has clear sky above and it is sunny.
Thaumcraft 4 Research Notes
Solar power
Thaumonomicon Entry
"It is a relatively simple task to imbue your new body's skin with a plant's photosynthetic abilities. While this source of nourishment cannot sustain heavy activity on its own, synthskin can be a lifesaver when your expeditions take you far from home.
So long as you remain in direct sunlight, your hunger meter will slowly refill. Photosynthesis cannot provide hunger saturation, so you will begin to hunger again as soon as you leave the light."
Self-Infusion Recipe
Poppy can be substituted with the following items:
Blue Orchid,
Azure Bluet,
Red Tulip,
Orange Tulip,
White Tulip,
Pink Tulip,
Oxeye Daisy.
Self: Synthskin has no known uses in crafting.