MRUCU Balancer
MRUCU Balancer | |
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Name | MRUCU Balancer |
Source Mod | Essential Thaumaturgy |
ID Name | essenthaum:mrucuStabilizer
Type | Block |
Stackable | Yes (64) |
Blast Resistance | 5.0 |
Hardness | 1.0 |
Solid | Yes |
Transparent | Yes |
Affected by Gravity | No |
Emits Light | No |
Flammable | No |
Required Tool |
Thaumcraft 4 Research Notes
MRUCU Stabilization
The same way
Research aspects in this block
Thaumonomicon Entry
"Researches on that primordial pear leftovers allowed you to figure out a way to replicate the process of stabilizing aura nodes, but apply it to MRUCUs! This discovery allowed you to build a mechanism, that is capable of stabilizing nearest MRUCU. The device functions a little bit different:
First of all, it does not need to be placed directly under MRUCUs. It can be placed anywhere in a range of 8 blocks from your MRUCU.
Second, it stabilizes MRUCUs at a cost of 10 MRU/tick and 1 Ordo aspect every second. Essentia can be pumped in from any direction but the front. The device can also automatically consume essentia from Jars it finds nearby. It is also possible to hook up a Vis Relay to it, however, Vis cost from relays is 5 times bigger, so it will need 5 Ordo Vis from relays, instead of 1 from jars.
The device, however, is uncapabe of fully stabilizing MRUCUs to an ideal balance of Pure, but, if left enabled for a long time can get really close to it. It is also worth pointing, that the device requires a constant redstone signal in order to function."
MRUCU Balancer has no known uses in crafting.