Flux-Infused BattleWrench

Flux-Infused BattleWrench
Flux-Infused BattleWrench

Name Flux-Infused BattleWrench
Source Mod Redstone Arsenal
ID Name
Type Item
Stackable No
Durability 160000

The Flux-Infused BattleWrench is a tool/weapon from Redstone Arsenal.

When quelled it works like a normal OmniWrench when right clicked. When empowered it has the special ability to spin hostile mobs away from the player when they are struck making their attacks less effective. This ability has varying levels of success depending on mob, so be careful. By default press V to empower and quell tools.

It has an internal energy storage of 160000RF and uses 200RF per use in quelled mode and 800RF per use when empowered. It will do +7 attack damage normally and +10 when empowered; a diamond sword is +7 for comparison.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Fluxed Electrum Ingot (Redstone Arsenal)
Fluxed Electrum Ingot (Redstone Arsenal)
Fluxed Electrum Ingot (Redstone Arsenal)
Fluxed Electrum Ingot (Redstone Arsenal)
Fluxed Electrum Ingot (Redstone Arsenal)

Flux-Infused Obsidian Rod

Flux-Infused BattleWrench


Flux-Infused BattleWrench can be used to create the following items: