Advanced Crying Obsidian Block

Advanced Crying Obsidian Block
Advanced Crying Obsidian Block

Name Advanced Crying Obsidian Block
Source Mod Crying Obsidian
ID Name Unknown
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Any tool will work, but a pickaxe is the most efficient.

The Advanced Crying Obsidian Block allows a player to set the spawn point of other mobs/entities to the block. It additionally functions as a normal Crying Obsidian Block (Crying Obsidian) where the player can right click it to set their spawn point to their current position.

To set a mob's spawn point, the player must first obtain a Crying Obsidian Item. Then, they must left click the mob with the Crying Obsidian Item. A message will appear, indicating the mob has been linked to the item. Next, the player must right click on the Advanced Crying Obsidian Block to set the mob's spawn point. Another message will indicate the mob's spawn point has been set.

If a mob is given a spawn point with this block, it will not drop items or xp on death, and instead reappear on top of the Advanced Crying Obsidian Block.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Crying Obsidian Block (Crying Obsidian)

Advanced Crying Obsidian Block


Advanced Crying Obsidian Block has no known uses in crafting.