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Name Atelier
Source Mod FullThrottle Alchemist
ID Name Unknown
Type Block
Stackable No
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Unknown

An Atelier is the main crafting and research table for FullThrottle Alchemist and has to be constructed as a multiblock structure.


Layer 3x3 Grid.png
Bookshelf (Minecraft)
Bookshelf (Minecraft)
Bookshelf (Minecraft)
Iron Chest

Layer 3x3 Grid.png
Bookshelf (Minecraft)
Bookshelf (Minecraft)
Bookshelf (Minecraft)
Iron Chest
Crafting Table

Layer 3x3 Grid.png
Steam Dynamo

The chests to the right are optional but useful in Research. Power is provided from below by any RF-providing means, the Steam Dynamo is just an example.


All usage requires RF energy to be stored in the atelier. Construction and deconstruction time depends on the type of block in the works and the number of operations (either whole stack or single item).


In order to work properly, there need to be Alchemical Flask Alchemical Flasks placed at the bottom, either empty or with enough space left inside them. Place an item that is supported in the center and remove any research vellum from the top left position. When executing, one block from the center stack is deconstructed into its elements. Shift-Clicking the execute button deconstructs the whole stack.


Place an empty Research Vellum Research Vellum in the top left slot and a block to be used for the research in the center. The output is random depending on the block researched and a single block can yield multiple very different research results. Vellums with a research on them placed in storage to the right of the Atelier are considered when choosing the research result, and research fails if all vellums for a specific block type have already been researched.


Place a Research Vellum Research Vellum with a recipe in the top left slot, provide enough elements in the Alchemical Flask Alchemical Flasks on the bottom. When executing, a single item from the recipe is generated, shift-click for either a full stack or as many items as are possible with the elements provided.